OK, so I’m now a big fan of the show “Miami Ink”. After watching this show and seeing the amazing artists and their work I have realized that I want a tat. I want something with my kid’s names in it. My question is, is getting a tattoo while a witness a DF’ing offense or will I just be “marked”. Honestly I wouldn’t mind being marked as that would mean I wouldn’t have to deal with any of the “privileges”.
I Want a Tat.
by lost_light06 16 Replies latest jw friends
Not sure what your local body of shmelders will do, but as a very tattooed guy, I say...If you want ink...get it. Just get something you can comfortably live with for the rest of your life.
Some of mine...and they guy that did them...
Go ahead and do it.
Think placement, meaning etc, etc.
May I suggest you check out some of the ambigram name tattoos here: www.wowtattoos.com
Some women are attracted to men with tats. Tit for Tat?
I can’t think of anything more meaningful to me than having my kids’ name, or some other symbol of them permanently etched onto my body. Location is my biggest question. I don’t really want it on my arm as that would be too obvious. I was thinking on my back or chest.
I like tatoos but hubby wont get one.....not even my name....waaaaa!!!!!
Chest tends to hurt like a bitch. Back is good, upper arm..not too painfull, legs are pretty easy. Rule of thumb...if the skin is close to the bone..it hurts.
One of mine...
Good luck...
At first I tawt you wanted a putty tat! I found two baby putty tats and they will soon need goooood homes!
Ahhhh I tawt I taw a puddy tat, I did I did.....hehe good catch..
I wouldn't worry about being marked and I don't know if it's df'ing offense to get one while still active. Did you grow up in the troof or were you brainwashed like me? I had 3 when I became a dub. One on my ankle that everyone saw all the time...what am I gonna do..wear bobbie socks with heels to go with all that meeting garb?
Just make sure you really want what's gonna be written! I have one I don't want anymore.
I think going with something about your kids would be nice. Let us know what you decide on!! Be careful....they can be addictive!!!!