Quick Question

by tattoogrl333 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat


    We tell those that study with the JW's and even JW's to come to us for the REAL story. We've been there - we see both sides of the coin. A benefit that her study conductor OBVIOUSLY doesn't have. We've seen (and lived!) the way JW's are trained. Why push tattoogirl back into dubdom because she's asking us questions? Isn't that what we WANT - her to be curious? Wouldn't we RATHER she ask us and then make a decision, instead of making a decision solely based on JW's input? Sometimes I wonder if you WANT these people to STAY JW's.



    PS: Tattoogirl - I pictured her response exactly as you mentioned it. You probably scared the pee outa her! Haha! (Sorry - funny image I have in my mind!) ((())) Keep up the questions dear! Your inquisitiveness and willingness to hear both sides of the story are refreshing!

  • msil


    Lets look at what she wrote:
    "I mentioned to my study lady that I have the satanic bible and read it. She then told me I should get rid of it by either throwing it away or burning it. Why is this. She said something about demons being able to use the book to get to me. How would that happen? Then how do you determine what to get rid of, I have a pretty hardcore Guns n Roses poster can satan use that? Is there a list of things you can and can't have?"

    Why does she want to know from us why her study lady said BURN and DESTORY the occultic literature? Didn't the study lady tell her? I feel like slapping the study lady for not doing her job properly.

    I agree with Dungbeetle about the troll alert.

  • larc


    TattooGirl has been here for months. She has received copious information from us. This is not new at all, nor are her questions new. I suggest she do her own research. Her return is not good timing in light of the tragic events of this week.

  • Billygoat

    Do you guys not remember that Tattoogirl has been around for awhile? That's she's been studying for awhile even while posting on this board? She left for awhile because she thought this board confused her. And then came back because people at the KH were treating her differently because of her physical appearance - pink hair and tattoos. Personally, I'm glad she's back. I hope she asks more questions. You'll notice her post mentioned that the study conductor gave her viewpoint, which is what the WTS teaches. But now perhaps Tatgirl wants to know the REAL reason.

    I totally disagree with you and Dung on the troll alert. Sift through some old threads. You'll read Tatgirls history.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    If your satanic bible was in the same house with your jehovah bible, maybe your jehovah bible has demons attached to IT now.

    couldn't your jehovah bible keep your satanic bible in check?

    What is the witness ritual for exorcism? Must it involve a Sanitation truck?

    I would suggest you examine the Dubs from an anthropological point of view - an apparently "modern" society rife with institutionalized superstitions.

  • Jeremy Bravo
    Jeremy Bravo


    I've seen many of your posts and don't think of you as a troll, but I do have a question: didn't you say that you had decided to get away from the JW's when they...

    1) wouldn't let you see a particulaer book until you've been baptized?
    2) let on that you need to change your hair color?
    3) showed that they received male studies much more warmly than females?


  • Nannygoat


    Don't you remember what it was like when you started questioning your JW beliefs? Didn't you see the importance of taking in both sides of the story and THEN making a decision? Do you feel because she HAS received tons of information from us that she now DOESN'T deserve it now? Why? Don't you think she's asking this question because she considers this part of her research?

    I do not mean to be disrespectful to you. You have my highest regard as an extremely intelligent and gifted poster. Your posts have helped answer a lot of my very own questions - helped me see the light. But I find your unwillingness to help Tattoogirl strange. This topic may not be new to the board, but it is new to Tattoogirl. If I am wrong, if she has asked this question in the past, please prove me wrong. I will humbly and gladly be corrected. But if not, then please have a little heart and help a questioning soul. You know as well as I do that it years to have a full understanding of how wrong JW beliefs are. She hasn't been at it that long.

    I stand by my previous statement of not thinking Tattoogirl a troll.


  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly

    The "fine art" on your body can
    serve as a vehicle for the demons
    as well.

    Wait until the demons harass you when you
    are alone at night.

    Be sure to avoid the garage sells as well.

    The three statments above are absurd
    and are typical of "Witness Speak".

  • tattoogrl333

    Larc, msil,
    You do not have to answer my questions nor post remarks accusing me of being a troll. I was unaware that there was a limit to the number of questions that one can ask here. I thought this board was to help people. I guess not. I am so disappointed right now. I guess it's easy to accuse everyone of being a troll. I'm sorry if my questions are dumb but please don't reply to them It would help me more then your accusations and mean replies.

  • larc


    Perhaps I reacted a little too strongly. I am not my usual gentlemanly self today. With that said, I think that tattoogirl should spend some time reading some websites like FreeMinds and Watchtower Observer. She can find the answer to almost anything there. Also, she can use search at the top of the page to find extensive threads on subjects of interest. I may go find one for her.

    Now, regarding my situation. I left in 1963, before the internet and before most books of help were written. I did it all through my own research, with no help from anyone.

    Sorry for my blunt manner today. I am sure that tatoogirl can handle it.

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