I was forced to go to KH (to ALL of the meetings!) from just a couple weeks before I turned ten until I turned eighteen. It was awful and I was never baptized. So my family can't really DO anyting. Whats really da bomb is that The Elders can't do squat to me either. I can flip them off n stuff and they can't do nuthing. I love my family but the Dubs are just SO intense. You guys know that already! A lot of you were totally into it. My hats off to ANYONE who went through that shit and kept their head screwed on and can stil function. I was a good girl until I was eighteen. Then I was gone and I have only been back for special occasions. To my parents home that is. My oldest sister Linda is not a dub either. She was already eighteen when my parents were drowned..I mean BAPTIZED...as Dubbers. Lately the Mormons have been stopping by because I made the mistake of asking for a free book of mormon for my sister. As a joke. Anyway, HI! I am actually very human and probly as sane as anyone here. Maybe I'm just a little bit higher. No, probly not. -Lisa
Okay, this is what I am
by ElderBarry 30 Replies latest jw friends
I am actually very human and probly as sane as anyone here.
If you are as sane as we are, they better lock you up and throw away the key.
"Higher"? Mormons don't do drugs, do they?
Hi Spectre! I'm not really a Mormon or any religion except I was forced to go to KH and be a good girl. I was just buzzing the forum and wanted to liven up the party. I'm almost out of posts! Criminy!
I'm almost out of posts!
What do you mean by that? Did someone give you a gift certificate for 50 free posts on this site or something?
Yeah, forced to be good, I really hated that. And what I really hate is that being "good" was someone elses lousey definition of the word.
Hi Arthur! Yes, this thing says I only have 7 more posts to go and then I have to wait 20 hours. What gives?
By posting on this forum, you agree to abide by the guidelines (shown at the bottom of this form)
Posting Limit You have made 18 post(s) in the last 1 day(s) out of your limit of 25.
You can currently post 7 more which will increase in 20 hour(s) 16 min(s) when your oldest post expires -
Heh-heh, I get 75 a day. Maybe it's a newbie thing.
I was just being a smart aleck.
Yeah, I forgot about that max. number of posts per day thing. I've never come close to making 25 posts in one day. That Gollum thread "shoot-out" really ate up your posts didn't it?
I hope so. My sister and her hubby just moved into this house four days ago and my boyfriend and I moved in with them. The people who lived here before were ex dubs too. Now I have my own computer I dont have to share with anyone. Nope. My boyfriend has his own. Well, thats about it for 20 hours.
Take care. Lisa