I just do not know what to think of this article. On one hand, the Society realizes they have a public relations problem and are trying to change its image. The "Big News" blood article put pressure on them, and for the first time they are telling the general public about the possibility of blood fractions. This is good as the average doctor may read this article and become aware of the possible life-saving treatment. This shows that we can pressure the Society to change. However, the article stops short of telling the general public about the misrepresentations of secular literature, rapid doctrinal shifts in the blood policy, or how incongruent the blood policy is with the JW interpretention "abstain from blood." This is where we need to do more work. I gave each of my doctors copies of the BIG NEWS Journal article. Each had a story to tell about those crazy JWs. Each told their collegues.
The college quote makes me puke. Inside the "Convention" there will be a "show" on not attending college and higher education. This is the classic "bait & switch." Plus, registered rurses ....why they administer blood products! Talk about a "worldly" profession. Plus, don't some of them make $75k a year. Gee, who would want that job?