Our house is listed for sale. I hate this phase. The place has to be pristine to show on no less than 30 min. notice. Then we have to gather up the two Chihuahuas and get out of the house for an hour or so. This is the third weekend of this. Hard to relax. Wife is gone all day today, I may sneek out to see Miami Vice.
Weekend plans?
by KW13 28 Replies latest jw friends
Ah, Gum...your boring stuff sounds more interesting to me than my boring stuff. I'm doing my little chores in shifts as its too hot out not to take breaks.
Well, since it's been in the triple digit figures for heat here....about 105 degrees average, I done got my stuff done already. Washed 2 vehicles inside and out, bumped up my water pressure as it was way too low since I could pee further than the hose squirted before, and I dumped all the trash. Now, I may go to my buddies shop and work on my watercraft so's I can sell it and make some bucks.
Later, we're ( me and the wife) are gonna so see Pirates of the Carribean...unless someone has a better suggestion for a movie too see.
Gregor....good luck on your home. Bake some cookies and get that "homey" smell goin. Women like the homey smell and they are the buyers usually more so than the man.
Nothing specific for me, just shopping, household chores and walking the dog.
I've got to motivate myself to finish reading the last three chapter of my business law book and take the final exam. I also have to help my friend from China on her paperwork for her tourist visa interview she'll be having at the US consulate at the end of August. I guess I'll be online late tonight -- thanks to the time difference between Denver and Shanghai. And Sunday, I'm trying to finish the grunt work on my website.
I'm going to an Oakland A's game tomorrow.
I'm stuck at work till five, then I have to go home and clean do laundry and make a budget (ewwww) how I hate that word, but it's gotta be done or I'll be broke.
Tomorrow.......Sunday..............I am hitting the Yough Trail (Bike Trail) with my Trek.
Biking is what I love and the trail is absolutely a wonder of western PA.
I will be exausted when I am done, but it is the experience that matters. Fantastic scenery of the river and sometimes a look at wildlife. It's the smells and colors of each season that makes me glad to be alive.
Apostate Kate
I went to our local Farmers Market this morning, it was great! Everything was cheap, fresh and mostly organic. It is fairly new and was my first time. I found the the deliscious marble rye bread that our favorite vegan restaurant uses. The first time I even heard of marble rye was in a Seinfield episode. It's good stuff!
Tomorrow is my favorite day of the week. I get to watch hubbie rock out on the keyboards at church. I just love the worship time. I know I'm one of the oddballs around here.
I want to start having Sunday family/friends dinner. My grandmother used to have them. I don't remember any JWs having them growing up. It is an American tradition that passed me by. Did you guys have big Sunday family friends dinners? It used to be an American tradition, that or Sunday family park pic nics.
sounds like for the most part, you'll all be having fun.
for those who have to work, think of me enjoying myself
Yep, packing and saying bye bye to my wife and kids. Got a 6 month stint coming, and I fly on Tuesday.
Hey Stealth453, If you don't mind me asking, where are you going for 6 months?