I have finally verbalized that it is time to leave “the organization”. The question becomes, must we be part of an organization?
Must We Worship God as Part of an Organization?
by Angelica 16 Replies latest jw friends
We have been trained as JW’s that Jehovah is an “organized God”. …that Jehovah’s Witnesses have modeled themselves after the early Christian congregation, which was organized to gather together, to preach, teach and to support one another in the “time of the end”. And that we must be part of an organization. Most of us will know the scriptural reasoning used to back this thinking.
(Sorry, messed up the format on that)
We have been trained as JW’s that Jehovah is an “organized God”. …that Jehovah’s Witnesses have modeled themselves after the early Christian congregation, which was organized to gather together, to preach, teach and to support one another in the “time of the end”. And that we must be part of an organization. Most of us will know the scriptural reasoning used to back this thinking.
How do I explain that I don’t need an organization, in the light of the so called scriptural backing that JW’s promote? I was asked, “If not JW’s, then what”? My answer, for now, I don’t know…
Thanks for your intelligent reasoning, in advance!
When Jesus diciples were misguided because they felt judaism was the true "organisation" and saw a man "not walking with them", he said "any that are not against me are for me". Witnesses never seem to be able to explain that one.
We were told that God lives in Brooklyn and has a JOB. He owns an error prone publishing company and he works there as "editor". He incorporated the business because He NEEDED the protection offered by a corporation.
To quit unpaid volunteer work for the publishing corporation is the same as leaving God. I'm not exactly sure what "leaving God" means. I guess God needs the nickles and dimes. -
I was asked, “If not JW’s, then what”?
This has got to be the single most frequently asked question by JW's when someone leaves the organization. A complete analysis of this respoonse would take more time and smarts than I have available. But it is interesting because it reveals so much about the mindset of those in the org. Linear thinkers, looking for certainty, uncomfortable with the unanswerable, and unable or unwilling to look between their ears, afraid of what they might find there or of what they night not find.
It reminds me of Michelangelo's description of sculpting David out of 900 tons of marble: "I simply removed everything that wasn't David."
In the search for God, the WTS is one of the pieces that isn't. -
we must be part of an organization. Most of us will know the scriptural reasoning used to back this thinking.
What scriptural backing? The bible discusses meeting with likeminded Christians, but never uses the word or even concept of an Organization being required for worship and salvation. There is quite a bit of information about it at http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/organization.htm
The first question a Jehovah’s Witness will ask when confronted with the truthfulness of the Watchtower Society is "Where else would I go?"
This question is a common ‘thought stopping’ technique amongst high control groups. It may appear valid but at the time of questioning it is a mental diversion from an issue being discussed. The validity of an issue is deflected by inducing fear of what will come next. “Where else to go” is of no relevance what is relevant is “Does the Watchtower Society promote truth?”
Watchtower 1975 September 1 p.531
“Where could we turn if we would leave God’s organization today? There is nowhere else! (John 6:66-69)”)
At John 6:68 Peter actually said to Jesus “Lord, whom shall we go away to?” This is the essence of Christianity; it is not about an organization but about being a follower of Jesus. Likewise, Galatians 3:29 says “if YOU belong to Christ, YOU are really Abraham’s seed, heirs with reference to a promise.”
Does God Have Have An Organization
Article by Tom Cabeen "Questions or comments may be addressed to the author, 1 New Haven Ave Ste
13, Milford, CT 06460-3398."
Reproduced on this web site with permission of the author Does God Work Through An Organization? Does God have an organization?
Has He always had an organization?
Was Israel God’s organization?
Are Jehovah’s Witnesses His organization today?
Can an organization serve as God’s prophet or spokesperson?
Does the Bible tell Christians to identify or be loyal to God’s organization? The material in this publication was prepared especially for persons who are or have been associated with Jehovah’s Witnesses. It examines Biblical evidence which bears on the questions raised above, all of which arise from the assertions made in Watchtower Society publications to the effect that God has always worked through an organization. It also explores the idea that Jehovah’s Witnesses, in whole or in part, have scriptural authorization to be a “channel of communication” between God and mankind. Unless noted otherwise, Bible quotations are from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, 1971 edition. Quotations from The Holy Bible, New International Version, 1983 edition, are noted as (NIV). Revised November, 1996 Does God Work Through An Organization? THE WATCHTOWER asserts that God has always communicated with and directed his servants through an organization. Today, it teaches, God’s organization is identified with Jehovah’s Witnesses, who view their governing body and its legal agent, the Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society, as representatives of a divinely-appointed “channel of communication” between God and man. They are taught that God directs all his interests on earth through that organization, and that outside it there is no possibility of either salvation or divine favor. Recognizing the authority of the “spirit-directed organization” is even included in Jehovah’s Witnesses’ requirements for baptism. Through printed publications and representatives, the Watchtower Society headquarters staff gives regular, detailed direction to thousands of congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide. They coordinate field activities, adjust explanations of doctrinal or organizational subjects, provide rules and regulations to govern religious and secular matters, and specify disciplinary procedures for those who fail to conform. The headquarters staff also receives regular reports from representatives in the field. 1 As used in Watchtower publications, the term “Jehovah’s Organization” means more than just a group of worshipers. Implicit in the term is the implication that God has always authorized either an individual or small group within the entire body of God’s people on earth, to pass on, distribute or interpret information and instructions received directly from God to the rest of his approved servants, and that God has no independent dealings with individuals apart from this approved “channel of communication.” This, then is the question to be considered in these pages. Does God work through an organization which itself is directed on earth by a small group of special representatives which cannot be ignored or bypassed? What does the Bible show?(continues)
Thanks gumby, bizzybee, jwfacts and blondie for your sincere responses. I have been under the mind control of the org for over 30 years and really have not thought for myself for that period of time. I feel liberated to not have to trudge to the KH to waste my time (for the sake of a faithful daughter, whom I did a great job of indoctrinating). I just need a little help with my own reasoning skills as far as this goes. Many thanks.
***I was asked, “If not JW’s, then what”? My answer, for now, I don’t know…***
I've been out of the JWs for almost 30 years, and that's still my answer too. It's a good, honest answer. It's typical JW thinking that if you leave one organization, then you must want to belong to another. The reality is that once you leave the JWs and have time to recover, then you can decide whether or not you wish to join something else.
My JW mom once asked me if I believed in god, and when I said no, she gasped and said, "then you must believe in evolution!" I answered that I didn't believe in evolution either (I don't "believe" in evolution as an article of faith; it's only a theory, although the mostly likely theory). She was dumbfounded by my reply, because in the JW world, you have to stand for SOMETHING. They have no idea what intellectual freedom is like.
I respect your answer, Angelica. Best of luck to you.