by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    I like elders. They're delicious on the grille or just pan fried with a little salt and pepper.

  • parlay

    Actually fearing them is what they want, just like bullies. Standing up to them and telling

    them straight to their faces that your not giving them any information you don't want

    them to have. let's them know they can't intimidate you, just like bullies. Most will leave you alone

    because there are a lot of others they can easily bully. I don't take their crap and I let them know it.

    If they don't like it, so what, tough, get over it. Being a former elder I know their

    protocol better than they do and give them all the rope they need to hang themselves. As you can probably guess, they

    definitely leave me alone.

  • buffalosrfree

    The only power the elders have is what you give them. I frankly told them when wanting our phone nrs that it was none of their business and no they can't have them for any reason they want to make up. When the idea of needing them do to an ememrgency was spoken of I said either walk or drive to my place to check on us, I won't give out our phone nrs. period.

    They know I won't put up with a lot of crap from them so they pretty much just leave me alone to my fading, The wife is finally getting wise also she is starting to really see the love they actually have (that is none unless its conditional) versus the love they talk about in fact she mentioned to me that she doesn't like ti at the hall anymore, she is only going to go once in awhile for appearances sake.

  • JT

    JT...great to see you posting again!!! Hope all is well for you and the Mrs.!

    When I was a loyal JW....I turned myself in after my divorce for something that bothered my conscience with my ex husband


    bingo, being a LOYAL jw is what makes this sick wt system work

    everything is put in the context of "This shows we are loyal to god"

    more and more jw are indeed not working with the elders today, the high level of fear that jw had for elders when i was a kid are gone

    and the wt knows this, at my last elder schools a few years back the bethel instructor stated

    there was a time when the society told the elder to jump and they said how high, today they ASK WHY??

    everyone sorta laughed but it highlighted that the strong support is not the same today and as the year 2014 gets closer and passes i think the many jw while not leaving will just become more perfunctory in thier wt duties

  • greendawn

    They always were a high control group they demand a great deal and give little to their members in return, given that all the spiritual food they boast about so much is in fact trash. They could have been a lot more charitable to their members as the true religion they claim to be. Instead of just being obsessed with tight control.

  • Finally-Free
    The elders now have the right to be involved in every facet of a Witnesses' life!

    This is absolute bullshit. The elders are trying to make people think they have the right but they don't! They never did and never will. No one has signed any contract to that effect. No government or court of law has given them such authority.

    No one has to fill out any forms or give out their cell numbers, or any numbers for that matter. I recently refused to give my employer my cell number. It's no one's business if I even have a cell phone, let alone know what the number is. It's my phone, my number, it's used on my personal time, and I'm the one who pays the bill. My authority is absolute.

    If elders ask you to fill out a form, just say NO! Tell them your personal information is precisely that - personal - and you alone will decide to whom it is entrusted.


  • sspo

    Come on guys

    Most of the faithful witnesses they will view it as a loving provision from Jah and GB.

    They will not argue with the elders

  • blondie

    We have quite a few JWs with attitudes and those are just the elders and their families. I have seen several regular pioneer sisters tell the elders that their cell phone is private and that was that. The obedient JWs are less and less, they tend to be passive aggressive about it. And the more status they have the more likely they are to not cooperate with the WTS, the CO, and the elders. That's why the obedience articles and talks are so frequent. And why the elders did not have up to date lists to start with.

    Just my experience.


  • AnonyMouse

    Our elders have always been nice...

    Sure, the new guy is so 'goody' that he scares me...but the rest are nice. Seriously, he's so nice, it put up a flag in my head that shouted "pedophile".

    He said that he went through 'similar things' when he was my age. Now, I have no real proof that he's creepy, but I was wanting to tell him off about how our situations are different. And I could beat the crap outa him (I'm all muscle below my protective covering ;) ) if he does something suspicious.

    But they seemed nice and I respected them, even if I never talked to them.

  • Twitch
    I like elders. They're delicious on the grille or just pan fried with a little salt and pepper.


    I recall being afraid of most things as a dub, especially the elders and the perceived "power" they had. Now I fear no one. "Quite an experiance to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it is to be a slave" - Rutger Hauer, Blade Runner

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