God's "Spirit Directed Organization"???

by integ 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • integ


    Just got back from the District Assembly and during the baptism talk the speaker made this statement: "...in association with God's Spirit directed organization?"

    Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Jr Brown (the societies media spokesman) say during an interview that the witnesses DO NOT consider themselves to be "Spirit directed"?

    So which is it?

    Before I get all mad and outraged about this, would someone either confirm or refute the fact that "Brother" Brown made this statement?



  • Stealth453

    I think you have it right. That's what I took from Brown's statement.

  • sspo

    That was for the worldly media, they are not spirit directed

    For the jw's they are- they have a direct pipeline to the creator of the universe

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    They are playing word games. He said that they do not say they are spirit inspired. However, LDH did ask him once if they believed if they were spirit directed or inspired and Brown did deny it. I did some research on the words, directed and inspired, and they have common synonyms but as always they are getting caught up in the word games.

    They say whatever it takes, we all know that they think that they have a direct chanel with God. This is spiritual warfare, it is okay to lie.


  • AlanF

    The notion of "spirit-direction" versus "spirit-inspiration" is something crucial to the JW organization, but is never defined clearly in any written WTS publications.

    The Watchtower Society defines spirit-inspiration literally as "God-breathed". In other words, something that is inspired is literally and directly instigated by God. The inspired person no longer has control of his or her will, but is inevitably pushed along by God.

    On the other hand, the Society never clearly defines the notion of "spirit-direction". Obviously, this is to avoid being pinned down on exactly what it means.

    Nevertheless, many JWs think that "spirit-direction" is a sort of close but inferior uncle to "spirit-inspiration". The notion implies that God, in some mysterious manner, inserts urges into a person's brain such that he ("she" is not worthy of consideration) might accept God's slight pushing and then act in accord with the divine will. However, because "free will" enters into the equation, the man might or might not give in to the urges, and so might or might not act in accord with the divine will.

    Set forth in such unambiguous terms, it is evident that the notion of "spirit direction" as defined by actual Watchtower practice is meaningless. In the real world, almost all JW congregations display gross evidences that they have nothing to do with the God they claim to worship. But that is a topic for another post.


  • SPAZnik

    The day I left, I was convinced they were directed by heartburn. :)

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I listened to the JR Brown interview, and he did say that.

  • BizzyBee

    Personally, I get "spirit-directed" when I've had a few shots of tequila. (Or a martini.)

    BizzyBee of the Jose Cuervo anointed class

  • Honesty

    They are Spirit Directed:


  • watson

    Your demon looks like Samuel L. Jackson, with a little makeup....

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