The Organization is destined to fade away

by suavojr 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • suavojr

    The Borg might not fall and disappear, but it's sure heading into the oblivion. They predicted their future in last week's study.

    Last week during the cong book study they mentioned the following:

    15. To illustrate: A supertanker or a freight train might be awesome in terms of size and power. But can either one respond to sudden changes in circumstance? If an obstacle falls across the tracks in front of a freight train, turning is out of the question. Sudden stops are not much easier. A heavy freight train may take over a mile to stop after the brakes are applied! Similarly, a supertanker may coast onward for five miles (8 km) after the engines are shut off. Even if the engines are thrown into reverse, the tanker may still plow on for two miles (3 km)! It is similar with human organizations that are prone to rigidity and unreasonableness. Because of pride, men often refuse to adapt to changing needs and circumstances. Such rigidity has bankrupted corporations and even toppled governments. (Proverbs 16:18) How happy we can be that neither Jehovah nor his organization is anything like that!

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    "Such rigidity has bankrupted corporations and even toppled governments. (Proverbs 16:18) How happy we can be that neither Jehovah nor his organization is anything like that!"

    They figure that they are the exception since they are changing their organization from the ground up.

  • sir82

    Oh I dunno, they seem to be adapting.

    They've hired a consulting firm to give them a much stronger web presence, even if their paranoia about "apostates" prevents them from fully immersing themselves in social media.

    They're in the process of changing their business model from "printing" to "real estate development".

    They're easing up on the R&F in some areas (fewer meeting nights, fewer assembly days).

    On the other hand, they continue to be clueless about how to reach kids, They are dogmatic about increasingly hard-to-justify positions relating to science (evolution in particular) and acceptance of homosexuality. They maintain their rigid hardcore stance on how to treat the disfellowshipped.

    They seem to be adapting in financial & technological areas - is that enough to overcome their rigidity in moral matters? In the short term, I'd say yes. But eventually, maybe in 30-50 years, they will be a mere shell of what they are now. The world's social structure simply won't support their bronze-age attitudes any more.

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  • Phizzy

    "The world's social structure simply won't support their bronze-age attitudes any more."

    Spot on, but it is my belief that if they do not change this, their demise will come soonish, as the next generation of young adults that are coming along now simply do not accept such stuff without question.

    This leads to a disregard in real life for the rules the GB would like them to keep to, from that position it is a short step to disregarding it all.

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  • freemindfade

    Love how they describe themselves then say good thing thats not us!

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  • DesirousOfChange

    I just do not see the WT Organization dying out any time soon. They have most of these people (R&F) with a nose ring and they follow along as they are told like good little sheeple. Most of them do it out of habit and feel huge guilt if they do not do as they are told. Wed meeting. Sat service. Sun meeting. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Plus, most have shitty jobs and thus have few if any quality friends from work (plus "worldly" friends are BAD). So, other JWs are their only outlet and they lose it all if the break the pattern and quite showing up for meetings & service. No one likes meetings or service but they MUST do it to continue to be part of their social network (and to get God's Blessing of everlasting life).


  • steve2

    Oh the astonsihing irony and blatant hypocrisy of one of the most rigid, dogmatic organizations in the western world judging other rigid, dogmatic organizations and then declaring without blushing, "We're not like that"!

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  • apostrate

    " Because of pride, men often refuse to adapt to changing needs and circumstances."

    But the WT is changing to their own personal needs and circumstances!! They are NOT changing to the needs or circumstances of their followers nor of society, but their own personal, selfish needs and wants. Whatever it takes to stay in business!

    That's why they are not going out of business nor fading away. That's why so many, many people are on this site telling about how this is not the same organization that they grew up in!

    Today it is definitely not the same organization that it was when CT Russell was ruling it over 100 years ago. My personal prediction is that in another 100 years it will still be around in some form and will bear no resemblance to what it is today!

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  • suavojr


    The borg is not going to disappear but it will have hard time trying to stay relevant. If they don't fade away they will only be a shadow of its former self. They started with naïve people and downgraded to dumb, then dumber and soon they will be full of empty-headed ignorant fools.

  • sir82

    soon they will be full of empty-headed ignorant fools.

    Is that the Watchtower definition of "soon" (some time in the next 140 odd years) or the standard definition of "soon"?

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