I watched a History channel show re: The Antichrist. Very interesting with different perspectives for the books of Daniel and Revelations. One thing that really got me thinking...The book of Revelations--they state that it may symbolize things that were happening during that period of time...not things to come. What do you think?
by tan 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
What do I think- I think you're gorgeous!
Yes, its true and recognized by most theologians. Daniel was written describing events of the mid-2nd century B.C. and the oppression of the Jews under Antiochus Epiphanes. The few actual brief predictions were that those events would initiate God's destruction of the Jewish oppressors and give the Kingdom to the sect of Jews with whom the writer was associated. The writer had used motifs and idiom athat were already popular to describe these events. Since the predictions failed to happen but had capured the imagination of many, it was only natural that some diehards would reinterpret much it as referring to Roman occupation. A couple of Jewish apocalyptic writings condemning the Romans were compiled and slightly modified into the book of Revelation by a writer named John. Just as most of the anger was focused on Antiochus in Daniel, most of the visions in Revelation focus on Nero (Nero Redivicus specifically), his return from the dead to retake the empire with the Parthian cavalry, then be vanquished and the kingdom given the sect of Christians with whom John was associated. When these events did not happen, predictably the diehard believers reinterpreted the symbols in countless imaginative ways.
Many prophetic books where written much later then we were made to believe. The symbolic style of Revelation was popular in John’s day. Most of Jesus prophesies were fulfilled in his day.
The WT says that Psalm 110:1 was fulfilled in 1914 and Jesus didn’t become King of the Kingdom after his return to heaven. There are many scriptures to show that this is not the case. Really, if Jesus waits until (NWT) his Lord Jehovah places his enemies as his footstool, then Jesus should still be waiting to become King at God’s right hand, because the last enemy death (1 Corinthians 15:26, 27) will be done away with after the 100-year-reign. The WTS loves to squeeze "a modern-day-fulfilment involving the WTS and its literature" into the scriptures. fts
I always wondered why the Tower never taught the Anti-Christ. Seems like a good fear factor.
Wordly Andre
I saw that same program, I think it was very interesting, gave a different view of the book of Rev. even the Greek meaning of Armageddon, I believe it said to mean reveal, so doesn't not mean destruction of the earth but a great reveal. When you take their prospective on the meaning behind the book of Revelations it makes sense I mean Armageddon meaning Reveal and the title of the book Revelations?? The fact that Antichrist is only mentioned in the bible 5 times, I do believe the bible writers did have a lot written about contemporary problems and not prophetic of the worlds end.
A very believable depiction of a modern-day antichrist appeared in the movie, "The Gods Must Be Crazy." The antichrist was a cantankerous jeep with no brakes.
Wordly Andre
By the way I know who the Antichrist is, its Sid
Right ! now ! ha ha ha ha ha
I am an antichrist
I am an anarchist
Dont know what I want but
I know how to get it
I wanna destroy the passer by cos i
I wanna be anarchy !
No dogs body
Anarchy for the u.k its coming sometime and maybe
I give a wrong time stop a trafic line
Your future dream is a shopping scheme cos i
I wanna be anarchy !
In the city
How many ways to get what you want
I use the best I use the rest
I use the enemy I use anarchy cos i
I wanna be anarchy !
The only way to be !
Is this the m.p.l.a
Or is this the u.d.a
Or is this the i.r.a
I thought it was the u.k or just
Another country
Another council tenancy
I wanna be an anarchist
Oh what a name
Get pissed destroy ! -
It's definatley a time consuming debate that could arise from this, some say the antichrist was a certain ruler of that day, others say it is yet to come. Ultimatley i find most of the talk of these things insignificant for where wo/men find time to constantly speculate in all seriousness concerning such things it draws away from the fact of what we should be doing. Concentrating on following the example set by christ. Prophecy causes many fruitless disagreements and much arguementation than most bible discussion, for each religion perverts the prophecy to twist their man made doctrines.Anyone of us can be an antichrist by leaving the doctrine of Christ behind. personally i'll stick to Christ and habanero chili pepper growing.; God Bless you and yours Ade
Mistah MOJO
Hello Tan. Yes, I tried to watch a program that fits that description, but became very bored and took everyone for a drive instead. I don't believe in prophecy so yes, I am firmly convinced that Revelation is about the past. More interesting however is the fact that the Greek in which the book is wirtten is terrible Greek. I have read that it is utterly dissimilar to the Greek style in the gospel and letters ascribed to John. It's very badly written, utilizing very poor grammer and a much more limited vocabulary than the gospel of John. I have only read this, however. I don't read Greek so I cannot personally vouch for this.