Tarot readers

by PrimateDave 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Legolas

    This is from a web site that I used to use.

    When the Seven of Cups appears in a reading, it is important to look carefully at how disordered your situation is. Is everything too controlled and regular? Perhaps you need to let things fall apart a little. When a rigid system breaks up, there can be a tremendous release of creativity. The man on the Seven of Cups is amazed by all the options he has.
  • itsallgoodnow

    I fool around with Tarot cards, just for fun. I don't think they hold any kind of power or anything like that, but I think it's fun to see what kind of suggestions they have for situations. It can seem like they are really magical sometimes, but it's probably how it's set up to seem, since the different cards can have so many different meanings.

    Anyway, what I wanted to say was I think you should have asked for guidance in making this particular decision, not ask what decision to make. Because the card meanings are usually vague and there's rarely a card that will tell you something that directly.

    Good luck with your decision and have fun with the cards! It's the only "spiritual" thing I ever do and I don't know if it counts if I don't really believe in it or not, but I like the way it freaks out my Christian friends.

  • ringo5

    I suggest Carl Sagans "A Demon Haunted World". Interesting how many intelligent and influential people put stock in this kind "information".

    Happy random card reading...

  • ringo5
    The card I got for this question was the Seven of Cups (not reversed). According to the LWB(Little White Book that comes with the deck), some of the keywords for this card are: Fantasy. Foolish whim. Wishful thinking.

    Actually, that is a great description for that whole deck of cards! lol

  • free2beme

    I think your spirit guides are trying to show you that there is not so much to your choice, as you seem to put to it. Meaning, you worry to much about the limitations of this world when it is really not that important.

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    I read very irregularly. I usually use the Robin Wood deck. Not only do I have the little book that came with the cards, I sprang for the bigger book Robin wrote about the deck and the cards therein. In addition to all that, I have my own little blank book where I wrote in the meanings of each of the cards that struck me (after I'd learned a bit about each card). One of the things that Robin said in the book that I find really helpful, is that in different readings, different details in each of the cards stand out (sometimes a place off in the distance looks like a castle, a city, a cathedral...). Use those to individualize the readings...

  • Satanus

    My opinion, also, is that it is another way for a person to access their subconscious. Nothing magical or demonic about that.


  • PrimateDave

    I've been away from the forum a few days. Thanks for the replies. I appreciate the different viewpoints, including skepticism and disbelief. Even if it is an entirely random process, I can still have fun with it. I seriously doubt that I'm going to 'fall under the influence of the demons' as I was warned when I was a Witness. Hey, if anyone in the WTS Writing Department is lurking here, you can use this! I have left the organization, practiced divination, and 'fallen under the influence of Satan and his demons'! Surely, I'm a warning example for all the faithful Dubs not to miss meetings, do personal study (only from approved publications), and spend a gazillion hours in service!

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