16 year old girl HANGED in Iran

by Rabbit 22 Replies latest social current

  • barry

    Talking to someone today and he explained to me how in sharia law countries non muslims have to pay a tax just because they arent muslim. this happens in Iran by Jewish people and if it is not payed muslims have the right to slaughter because of the non payment. This arrangement also exists with the coptic christians in Egypt.

  • Rabbit

    Can you imagine the furor if "christian" nations taxed the non-christians here ?

  • Gill

    Rabbit - The sheer arrogance is breathtaking! The we are right and the rest of you bad, evil and wrong is sickening.

    Islam and cults such as the JWs and the 'we are the only right ones', attitude, is sickening.

    There was a programme on Islam and its upsurge in the UK, in more extreme followers last night. What is particularly offensive, is NOT that they wish to follow Islam, it's their wanting of separate laws, and parliaments and worse of all the evil Sharia law to be brought into play in the UK!

    I think NOT!

    Atefah's state murder should bring shame to any religion that would allow death as a penalty for so called 'sexual misdemeanours', (not that Atefah was even for one moment guilty of any misdemeanour) What will the sentence be for the male judge who murdered her? Absolutely nothing! Something very wrong with Islam! This case should prove it.

  • greendawn

    It is indeed a barbarous religion that properly belongs to the Middle Ages why can't they see that the world has moved ahead in the meanwhile? I can see there is a lot of similarity between the JWs and other moralistic groups and the Moslems, too much morality without any regard to a person's circumstances.

  • Gill

    Greendawn - Too right about the lack of consideration for a person's circumstances. However, even in the case of Atefah, she was totally innocent of anything by most reasonable's persons standards. Reminds me of I think, and I could be corrected on this, but the Saudi young woman, who was blind, who was publicly flogged because she could not visually identify her rapist.

    Religion breeds stupidity and stupidity needs religion to survive.

  • jstalin

    Not unlike this situation where last year two Iranian teens were hanged for being gay.

  • Rabbit


    Thank for for posting that article. I'd heard about it, but, haven't read it til now. Religion isn't all bad, but, damn...it seems like the whole world is going 'fundamental'. Which is a very scary thing.

    Gill's comment says it all:

    Rabbit - The sheer arrogance is breathtaking! The we are right and the rest of you bad, evil and wrong is sickening.
  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Your intention is obvious here. You seek to link Christianity here with Islam. Nope, that is comparing apples and oranges. Fact: Christian founded civilization has the absolute highest standards of freedom for all views in the public arena. Christians are only now defending their own personal freedoms due to the threat of the leftist organizations like the ACLU, which is founded in Communist principles. Those regimes have killed many more millions than any type of government. Yes, they are even much worse than the middle ages. The crusades by Christians came as a result of Mohamedism and Islamic hegemony. They have not moved from their middle age mind set. You libs need to recognize that for what it is.

  • mkr32208


  • mkr32208


    how lucky I was that we were living in the 20 century because they would have had to publicly stone me to death by now.

    You can always tell them how lucky you are that you live in the 20th century because it's allowed you to be stoned in public many times! We live in such a sick f*cking world dont' we... *sigh*

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