I bottle fed orphaned kittens from 3 weeks old--they are about 8 weeks old now. I have become so attached to them! My neighbor said she was bringing a friend over this afternoon to pick out a kitten to take home...I am having mixed feelings about this. One the one hand, they are adorable and loveable, and on the other hand, they haven't seemed to get the hang of the litter box (which I was hoping would happen by now) and they are really disrupting my poor dog's life. My daughter named them all (not sure of the sexes, but the names seem to fit.) Erin is spending the night at a friend's house, and doesn't know about the adoption this afternoon. I dread this. I am afraid there will be tears all around.
I don't know how I'm going to give them up...
by gwyneth 16 Replies latest jw friends
I recently lost my two cats and am SOO in the market for some kittens.
They are just too cute. Just a bit far for me to travel to pick them up. (And HOW in the world could I just pick two???)
Thanks for sharing the pics. I'm sure you will find wonderful homes for them.
Awwww.... I love little kittens!
I know how hard it can be to let them go... I've done that a few times growing up.
they haven't seemed to get the hang of the litter box (which I was hoping would happen by now)
A lot of people don't realize this, but kittens learn to use the litter box from their mothers. Without the mamma cat there to teach them it can be very difficult.
The only thing I can think of for the litter box dilemma is to
somehow get these cats in the presence of a litter trained cat.
Little kittens are such copycats they will pay VERY close attention
to the trained cat and they WILL learn. Borrow a litter trained cat.
Or arrange for someone with a litter trained cat to have them over to be
trained just for this purpose.
Good luck. And kudos on fostering these animals. :) -
Ah! I did not know that about the litter box. Thanks for the tips! I feel bad for being frustrated, now--it's not their fault.
I have one older male cat who refuses to come into the house anymore, because they assault him. lol He hisses and hides. He will not be a good example for the litter box. I may have to borrow my neighbor's cat.
I love kittens, they go well with rice and beans ;p
Country Girl
HAHAHAHAH thecarpenter! I've heard about people like you!
Those kittens are so cuuuuute! I wish I could adopt one of them! I can imagine how attached you've gotten to them after you've been their "mamma" for so long. Are you going to keep any of them?
The only advice I can give you on the litter-box training is like someone else suggested: maybe borrow a litterbox trained cat to show them. My middle kitty has problems, also, because he was a wild cat. He won't go in the litterbox if I am gone at all during the day. I think he gets upset when he's left here by himself. When I'm home, he's fine.
As far as whether they are boys or girls, hold their tails up and if you see a colon (:) they're boys; if you see a semi-colon (;) they're girls. And no.. no colon jokes, please!
Good luck on re-homing them, if you plan to do so!
Aw the cuteness!!
I'm under very strict instructions that there is to be NO MORE KITTIES!! *sigh*
The baby of my house (well I guess she's a year and a half now) did not know how to use the litter box when we first got her (dispite being assured that she did). She peed 3-4 times behind the tv her first two days with us, but as soon as my older cat calmed down from the shock of not being an only child she showed her what to do. No problems after that! (well she would get confused as to which room the litter box was in and start whining anxiously, so I'd just have to run and show her) She was and still is a huge mimic of her older sister.
I cried every time a kitty got adopted from us as a kid.
Dams -
A friend had to have his cat put down last weekend. The cat was 20 yrs 6 mos. old and he had had her from a kitten. It was like a death in the family. How can you not love kittys?
I believe that our children learn a lot of valuable things about life as they observe how parents deal with pets. Sometimes pets have babies and homes have to be found for them. I would emphasize to your daughter that you would not have let kitty go unless you were sure the new owner would treat it well. We have been through some tears with our kids when pets had to go.