by MadApostate 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • MadApostate

    I just drove by the local KH on my way home, and the parking lot was overflowing, almost like at the Memorial. There were probably 50% more autos than are normaly at the average MS/SM.

    Is this just a local "phenomenon"? Anyone else here live near a KH? Drove their spouse?

    Does anyone have a KM to see what's scheduled?

    Or, is it because of the news?

  • NameWithheld2

    It's what I was afraid of. I bet anything tons of people are scared back into 'regular' meeting attendence. Hopefully it will not last long and the poor people can get back to their regular 'inactivity'.

  • MadApostate

    After I posted the above, I read GWEEDO'S post, so maybe it is due to the news.

    Well, maybe the WTS will learn something from the high attendance figures this week. All they have to do to overcome the last few year's slump is to predict another date for the BigA. Then, numbers willtke off again. History has proven that the WTS will always have more stay than will leave.

  • MadApostate

    Anyone back from CST zone meetings?

  • jayhawk1

    Yes, the Kingdom Hall here is full like a Circuit Overseer visit.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • Stiffy

    They preempted the first 3 talks for a special talk on the events at hand, they're getting ready for armageddon

  • Farkel


    : History has proven that the WTS will always have more stay than will leave.

    Obviously, you don't know the facts. At least TWICE or THRICE in its history the WTS has lost about 75% of its membership due to the fact that they are chronic liars and chronic manipulators of people who trusted every piece-of-shit they uttered.

    Yeah, I know you are a troll and I wonder why I take the time to humor the likes of you.

    When JFR wrested control of the WTS in 1917-1918 a bunch of Bible Students bolted. When JFR in circa 1932 took away the autonomy of the local congregations and replaced that with elders appointed by the society, the WTS lost a bunch more people. And in 1938 when JFR became the defacto DICTATOR of dub-life, a bunch more left. (For some strange reason, some people are revolted by dictators, especially those who claim to speak for God.)

    The 1925 "prophecy" was another debacle which caused about 75% of the membership to leave. "1975" was not nearly as dramatic as 1925, but it was another piece-of-shit failed prediction which is still hurting those who believed it to this very day.

    What is really pathetic about all of this is what Ray Franz said when the WTS had failed yet again: A GB DipFuck member (I think it was Milty, but I'm too lazy to look it up) said, "But there are always NEW ONES (new blood to bleed) coming in."

    Who ARE these people who reduce human beings to numbers and stats when they constantly fail and fail and fail to deliver on their promises? And WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE who subsequently LIE about their failures in the past?

    Who ARE THESE PEOPLE that claim to be SO SPECIAL and yet they leave a big swath of human misery in their wake?


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    BTW, I went and drove by my last KH that I used to attend and it looked like just a little bit more were attending.

    When a 2 year old asks a complicated question how do you answer?
    How long have you LIVED and how long has God LIVED?100000000 to .0000000001
    Who is like God?
  • Teirce

    If I ever accidentally stumble across a KH in my travels, I instinctually hiss, bear my fangs and make a cross in its general cooty direction. And then I'm sick in the stomach for a while.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    'general cooty direction' BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good one, and thanks for the comic relief because I need it with my head wanting to explode like this. I'll never be able to drive past a KH without thinkin of cooties now...

    off to relearn how to make those cute paper cootie catchers,

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