I am bored now, who wants to play????
I DO!!! I DO!!!
by whyamihere 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I am bored now, who wants to play????
I DO!!! I DO!!!
I am bored now, who wants to play????I DO!!! I DO!!!
Oh no, every time I play with you, I'm holding your hair back so you can drink more - and I am the one getting unwanted action by minors....lol
Brooke - I jus' knew ya' would't join em. I knew it!
They are as cock and bull as the witnesses I fear. Especially the part about having the golden platter [or whatever it was that JS recieved from the angel Moroni] taken back to heaven. Just like the ole' witness trick - make it invisible and then no one can disprove it.
They used to visit me in town sometimes - now we are out of town and they don't work out here I guess. Too far on a bicycle. Hehe.
Brooke - I jus' knew ya' would't join em. I knew it!
You know me too well....lol. I can''t join something with no alcohol and coffee. Come on that's all my calorie intake.
I should start my own Religion...."Clothing optional!"
Speaking of alcohol - did you guys have your Cheezefest yet? Or is that coming up this month?
Don't forget ours on Sept 9 - hope you and Buttlight can make it - I better bttt that thread soon.
did you guys have your Cheezefest yet? Or is that coming up this month?
Nope, the 19th of this month - you would notice if we had it. Butt and I would be all over the site with pictures!
Yeah, they are not coming back and I was just getting warmed up.
Were they cute? LOL
There was a couple who came over to see me back when I was a faithful JW and we used to have discussions. We both placed bibles with each other; the two guys didnt have the NWT bible and I didnt have a copy of the book of mormon and they never bothered to come back after they couldn't convince me they had the truth.
Were they cute? LOL
NO! I need a few's to think they were cute.
It is just to JW like.
The best is when you get JWs to argue with mormons. It's like on of the great paradoxes of the universe.
Latter Day Saints believe that G-d gave Mormons a law of health, known as the Word of Wisdom, in 1833. This religious doctrine speaks against use of tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, and illegal drugs with the intention of keeping bodies and minds healthy and strong.
Who'd want to be a Mormon anyway? I'd want them to turn me down with all those rules.