Hello, new here.

by Rob Lenski 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rob Lenski
    Rob Lenski

    Just trying out my id.

    What denomination do you enjoy sharing with most? Which do you enjoy sharing with least?



  • Crumpet

    Welcome to the board!

    Most - atheists and apostates

    Least - JWs

  • forsharry

    Thank you for choosing JWD for all your travel needs! Located in your seat back in front of you, you will find a safety brochure that will outline all off the safety features and procedures of this aircraft. If you are seated in an exit row and are either unable or unwilling to perform the duties outlined in the brochure, please contact a stewardess and arrangments will be be made to have you relocated to another seat in the cabin.

    I like talking philosophy an theology with anyone really...except thosed dastardly cultists!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Welcome to the bored Board !

    most - The Church of Perpetual Common Sense

    least - The Kingdom Hall of Common Non-sense

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Rob, and welcome to the board.

    We are a bit of a nixed group here, but most of us are ex jehovahs witnesses, and though there are also a few current jws, you won't find many people praising the witnesses, just the opposite really.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I'm a Jemima's Witness, and I like talking about pancakes!

  • collegegirl21

    Welcome to the board! :)

  • Brigid

    Hello and welcome. As stated above, you will find a variety of philosophical and spiritual points of departures here. I enjoy any intelligent conversation but avoid loopish or circular logic.

    Love and Light,


  • Swamboozled


  • Rob Lenski
    Rob Lenski

    Ex and current JW's? That's a surprise!

    Anyway, thanks for the welcome.

    For those of you who left, does there seem to be a common theme?



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