Dear All,
My husband came back from a 3 day camping trip in Northern IL. He was fine up until last week.
Suddenley, he was so exhausted, achey, and had a constant headache 2 weeks later. He literally did not have the energy to get out of bed the past 4 days. This is an active in shape man, aged 48, with no physical problems.
Low and behold we found a huge red rash on the back of his leg. A solid ring of red measuring 6 inches accross, with a small purple center.
At first we thought it was a bite from a recluse spider but learned they are rare in Florida. After further research, the rash and his sysmptoms mimicked lyme disease. He is at the doctor's office right now, but I am concerned that here in Florida, Dr.s have little to no experience with ticks. His symptoms have been the mirror of a lyme disease infection.
Any experiences or suggestions.