When you went out door to door, or just talking with non JW friends or family, what false beliefs did some have of the JW's?
What false beliefs do worldly people have of the JW's?
by JH 14 Replies latest jw friends
The worldly people I've met don't know much about Jehovah's Witnesses; think they are holy rollers (pentacostal) or just odd.
I met some people who believed Jehovah's Witnesses were honest. I was shocked, as personal experience showed me that they were quite the opposite.
Everything my non-JW family thought was true:
They are a cult.
They keep you away from your unbelieving family.
They allow you to lie to your unbelieving family.
You put people at the KH ahead of your own blood relatives.
When I left, I had a lot of hurt feelings to soothe, and I am so glad I have!
That they don't believe in Jesus.
Some people had met JWs and assumed that things they did were because they were JWs, rather than something just they did, eg. meet one JW who doesn't have a TV, assume JWs aren't allowed to have TVs.
When I was at school, I and another JW girl my age had long hair. A lot of people assumed that we weren't allowed to have short hair because we were JWs.
They don't believe in doctors.
That they don't believe in Jesus.
Yeah, I've seen this misunderstanding as well. But, now that I think about it; it makes sense as to why this belief has circulated around other Christian churches. Think about how Jesus Christ has been relegated into a less promient role by the JW faith. * He is not the mediator for 99% of JWs. * 99% of JWs do not partake at the Lord's Evening Meal. * 99% of JWs cannot identify themselves as Christ's brothers. * JWs give more of their allegience and adoration toward the Organization and the "Faithful Slave" than they do Jesus. * JWs believe that Jesus' ransom was sort of a "half-ransom" or down payment, as JWs must also perform endless works for the organization to gain salvation - a concept that is nowhere to be found in the NT. * Jesus has been placed into a sort of ghostly, behind the scenes role and has been assigned the role of being the Governing Body's advisor or consultant. JWs cannot have a personal relationship with Jesus Chirst. They must have a personal relationship with the Watchtower Society instead. Perhaps those individuals had good reason to say that JWs don't believe in Jesus.
Honestly, pretty much every so-called "misconception" that non-JWs have about dubs, is completely accurate.
I can answer this one!
I thought they were just another denomination of Christianity. I thought people were annoyed by them, because they would wake you up Sat. mornings giving out unwanted magazines. People in my neighborhood found it especially annoying that they would have their little children standing at the door, knowing that a large percentage of people were going to send them on their way, sometimes in a very rude fashion, hoping they would get the point NOT to come back again. Most felt like they were fishing for donations.
I thought most people didn't want to be around JWs, because they didn't celebrate holidays or like the flag. I thought it was kind of odd that they didn't have any windows in their buildings. I wondered what they would do if there was a fire?
The JW friends I had in school seemed genuinely embarrassed by not being allowed to be in the Christmas programs, have a cup cake on a classmates birthday, or they would have to go to another area to do an art project that didn't reflect the most recent holiday. Mostly people seemed to pity the kids.
What I didn't know? I didn't know they thought Jesus was Michael the Archangel, until about 1 yr. ago! I also never knew they didn't allow blood transfusions, and that you were pressured to die before taking one. I didn't know that they were baptised in the Father, Son, and "spirit led org."--where is THAT in the Bible? I didn't know they kept track of the time they spend with you, so they can make "special guy of the month" or whatever it is. I didn't know they don't refer to Jehovah as "Father", even though Jesus instructed us to. I didn't know they think the Holy Spirit is not a person. I didn't know the 1914 date was arrived at from the measurement in a pyramid. I didn't know oral sex was forbidden. I didn't know that the majority of JWs believe they will live forever on paradise earth, even though "paradise earth" is not even mentioned in the Bible. (And Rev. 19:1 specifically says exactly where the great crowd will is.) And the fact that the 144,000 they believe are going to be in heaven, were all involved in pagan practices: participated in birthdays, Christmas, believed in the cross, thought Charles Russell was the faithful and descreet slave, the laviathon was a locomotive, smoked, took blood transfusions, ...the list goes on. Seems more reasonable to believe that the people who survive to the very end and have the most "new light" would be the ones to go to heaven, especially since they aren't involved in all those pagan beliefs that the founders of the WTS were up to their eye-balls in.
Just a point of view from someone who has never been a JW.