Came out to my parents

by jstalin 20 Replies latest social family

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre


    Score 1 for us Catholic's, about 5 years ago 2 of my cousins came out, all the JW's in my family do not talk to them, but they are really great people, my grandma who is Catholic says "well they are still my grandkids no matter what". I have had a few gay friends, and now family, I've seen what it can do to them when family doesn't accept them, its too aweful, Anyway I am happy for you good luck in your relationship.


  • Scully
    It'll take some time for them to start to accept what my sister and I are

    Isn't it sad that they can't just accept you as their own children, regardless of orientation? It's astonishing to me that the unconditional love they had for you when you and your sister were small - before sexual orientation was an issue - is somehow blocked when you become an adult and make adult choices in your life.

    It must have been a pleasant suprise for you to get the support you did from the priest. Hopefully that will help your folks to calm down and become more open and accepting.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    It must be such a weight off your shoulders to have it out in the open with your parents. Thanks for sharing, J, I'm very happy for you!

    It sounds like you handled a tough situation very well.

    I know as I was reading this I was thinking I can learn from this and how many similarities there are between telling your JW family you don't want to be one anymore and coming out to your family. I think you have brought that up too in previous threads.

  • snarf

    Like you said, the gay lifestyle is very distorted by the media as well as plain old fashioned thinking. It sounds like your parents are just in shock, but hey, look at the bright side. They still invited you for dinner after suspecting what you were about to tell them, they talked and cried with you after you told them, and went and sought out counsel from their preist with you to gain more insight on the situation. If they are like most parents I know, they are mourning over the loss of possible grandchildren more than anything else.

    Keep your head up and be proud of yourself. They will soon realize that you are still the same son they have loved all these years. They just need some time for it to sink in.

  • jstalin

    Thanks everyone for the supportive comments. I was at my parents this weekend because my brother and two nehphews are in town and life was completely normal. Things are going well.

    Crumpet - I'm on this board because I have a friend who is a JW. I was just curious about his religion when I came across this board and I've found some of the coolest people on the Internet here, so I stick around.

    Scully - My parents do love me still, it's just been such a shock to them. Things will return to normal - it's just that their universe has shifted and they'll need to adjust.

    The funny thing is that in talking with my parents, they say they always sorta suspected about me, which doesn't really surprise me. My mom is pretty perceptive and I knew she probably already knew, deep down inside.

  • luna2

    I'm really glad for you jstalin. I mean, it sounds like it was an intense thing at first with your folks but you hung in there with them and they with you. Its obvious that you have a very loving family. They may have been shocked and disappointed at first but it sounds like they are coming along nicely. I , too, am very impressed with that priest.

  • katiekitten
    He stressed the importance of family and acceptance and he flat out said that my parents will need to expect to have a non-traditional family.

    Waytogo! That must have been such a relief for you. And it was pretty brave of you to go in the first place, I guess you were expecting a pretty stiff bible bashing with the priest giving gods blessing to any hurtful things your parents might have said.

    Im so pleased the first steps went so well for you.

  • vitty

    Im glad they have a good priest that will support them.

  • ButtLight

    My family had a hard time too when my sister came out. My mom, at first, didnt want anything to do with it. It didnt take long, and she was fine with it. She justs loves my sisters partner now, as do I ! Hope it all goes well for you!

  • love2Bworldly

    Wow--my respect for the Catholic Church just went up a few notches.

    I wish you the best and hope your parents and you work everything out. I love my 3 kids more than life itself, and could never ever turn my back on them no matter what. Sometimes I wonder about my 19 year old daughter, because she likes men but has never been on a date and doesn't seem to care. She has a lot of friends, mostly female, and has always been very emotional about the subject of gays being accepted in society. I asked her a couple years ago if she was gay but she laughed at me and just said she could see why I would think that. Anyway, I will love her no matter what.

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