Scattered observations:
AuldSoul's email guy said:
"One problem is that in his 2nd year reign Nabonidus stated to restore the temples. One temple he restored was in Ebabbar. According to the Ebabbar cyclinder 2.14, it says "During 52 years the walls of this temple fell down and it became useless". If this cyclinder is correct, then there are problems."
The Ebabbar cylinder also said, "During 45 years the walls of this temple fell down" (2.12), and "48 [45? - there's some dispute] years were not full when its walls fell down" (2.13).
My question: Given that the Ebabbar temple in Sippar comprised of several buildings - it was a complex rather than one single structure, and that the different buildings were in various states of decay - did kings like Nebuchadnezzar and others only restore certain parts of the temple?
AuldSoul's email guy:
"Also, here is another problem. King Nebuchadnezzar began to restored the temples at least 6 years after he began to rule. So, Nabonidus really put wrench in the chronology there. Here is why, lets say that Nebuchadnar begun to ruled in line with 2nd year of Nabonidus (total 51 years, etc). Then we must add 6 more years with some else. Why? Because Nebuchadnazzer began to restore the temple at least 6 years after he ruled as king."
If we take the figure '45,' that would make it the 6th year of Neb when the temple was restored.
The objection has been raised (Furuli) that it took 3 years for Nabonidus to find the original foundation of the E'ulmas temple (also in Sippar), so Neb would have had to have begun the Ebabbar restoration some years earlier, which would have been unlikely since he was busy with campaigns and wars. But I ferreted out little bits on the net that said Neb and Nabonidus had different 'restoration styles' so to speak. Nabonidus liked to spend time and effort digging down to find the original foundation stones, while Neb didn't go to all that trouble. In fact, one inscription says (didn't make a note of the webpage dammit) that Neb couldn't find the original Ebabbar foundation at all.
Having said that, even though Nabonidus went to more painstaking lengths, CM53 says that Nabonidus completed the Ebabbar restoration in his 2nd year, even though he only discovered the foundation in the 7th month. In addition, according to the Babylonian Chronicle, Neb wasn't on any campaigns but was in his homeland in his 5th year and rode out on a battle campaign in month 10 of his 6th year. Therefore, if Nabonidus is said to have restored and consecrated Ebabbar on its original foundations within a 5 month period in his 2nd year, it's feasible that Neb (having not gone to the same lengths) could have restored the temple within 9 months of his 6th year.
It also appears that Neb's dad, Nabopolassar, restored Ebabbar at some point, but I cannot find out when he did so.