I was already fading out, but felt so guilty about it. Then I finally decided to look on the internet. I had the internet for a year before the idea even came to me. I know,I was slow. But from what I found,the guilt went away, and I knew I was doing the right thing. Pam
What impact did the internet have on your decision to leave the JW's?
by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends
For me, the internet gave me an opportunity to confirm my true feelings about the j-dub cult.
I think that is also the same case for most people here.
Deep down I believe most of us had a bad 'gut feeling' about the j-dub cult and the internet helped confirm are feelings.
I personally think we need to give ourselves credit for having these nagging feelings that something is wrong. At the same time I'm very thankful for the internet and informative
sites such as this one. This is actually the only site i frequent and the only one I've ever enjoyed.
For myself, the internet had no influence at all. I was already inactive and determined never to go back before I purchased my first computer. However, information learned on the internet certainly confirmed that I had made the correct decision.
***I was unhappy and felt that something was wrong and this site confirmed what I felt.***
We began our fade in summer 1995. We had only had a computer for a year and the internet was something we were just beginning to use. I found H2O about 1999 or 2000, not sure.
So.....................no impact on our decision to leave.
The interenet just sped up the process, i was leaving sooner or later. I just got some awesome ideas from JWD along the way :-D
I had growing doubts about the organization for a long time. It seemed to me that a large part of our faith was manmade and speculative and this bothered me greatly for a long time. The internet was instrumental in helping me solidify those doubts by exposing the history and errors of the past and in time would have gotten me to step out. But it was Raymond Franz's book which was the final nail in the figurative coffin. Once I read that book, everything I suspected fell into place; heck, there was things going on that I wouldn't have suspected in the first place such as the depth of the societies duplicity .
The internet and JWD helps me to do continuing maintenance on myself when the doubts come. I also continue to read books about the witnesses and cults in general.
I was having serious doubts about the wys, which were confirmed once I started researching on the internet. The internet itself didn't pull me away from the org, but I would say it definitely speeded the process up.
I left the WT pre-internet, but had I had access to the information out there (well, out here) now, I would've been more sure of what I was doing, had less guilt, and been less of a lingering sympathizer over the years.
I was out before, but places like this helped me get over the hurt, very quickly and see the truth about the truth.