Does the society really have two different sets of standards depending on one's locale???
It's possible. Different standards have been applied in other circumstances. (Think 'Malawi and Mexico'.)
My mom and elder dad would see 'R' movies fairly often. 'The Killing Fields' was one. Several were military-esque, along the lines of 'A Few Good Men' but I forget the names (from the late 70's and early 80's.)
I remember one day (shhh- it was thanksgiving day) a bunch of us 20-somethings hung out at the POs house. He and his wife were either gone or in another part of the house. Someone rented 'Romancing the Stone'. One of the brothers was assigned to keep a finger on the remote to fast-forward thru the questionable parts...!! LOL sounds so silly now.
Even when I moved out (at age 22) I stayed away from the 'R's' and often wished the producers would make a 'cleaner' cut so I/we could see the more interesting films. I was one that hated most of the PG-13 films because the content was either lame or not for 'christians'. Then the POs eldest daughter became my roommate. (This was when you would rent the VCR for $10/day and the film for $5/day.) She rented 'Witness' - an 'R' movie. Then several others. We would make sure the curtains were pulled and returned the films swiftly - in a bag.
(She's still a 'faithful' witness, btw)
Now I rarely pay attention to ratings. I see what I want to see, when I want to see it, and where I want to see it.
Freedom to be a grown up and make my own decisions.