Shame on you! You do everything to make"Jehovah`s Witness`s" look bad!

by OUTLAW 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover
    Yet, they freely dump the same rubbish at vacant houses, nursing homes and laundrymats, thinking they won't be challenged there.

    LOL - so true. I used to love it when I'd get a vacant house out in service. I'd stand there for as long as I could without rousing suspicion.

  • heathen

    I've sat thru some talks on how the conduct of a few reflects on the ORG. as a whole . I wasn't a dubby so they really couldn't get away with a guilt trip on me . If somebody said I was doing things a dubby shouldn't be doing then I could always say I'm not a dubby and never was ... I'd be hard pressed to find a real decent person in the ORG. anyway. They are living breathing hypocrites .

  • steve2

    The "Shame on you!" line is a time-honoured method of emotional blackmail: Make the person feel so bad about what they've done that they forget about the reasons for their deed and come running back to you saying "Please forgive me."

    To be fair, emotional blackmail is a very common method of social control used by governments, religions, social groups and within marriages and families. JWs just happen to be especially astute in their use of it.

  • Mysterious

    They make themselves look bad I just repeat what is true.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    We don't need to try and make the wts look bad.

    They do a better job of it themselves than any of us ever could.

  • Honesty

    Yes, my ex said that when I told her I had been telling all my non-jw friends that the Watchtower Society had been secretly riding the back of the UN for almost 10 years.

  • poppers

    Moshe, did your tactic work?

  • Swan

    Yes. Shame on me. I can't do nearly as an effective job of it as JWs are already doing to themselves.


  • ronin1

    The JW organization and its members do a good job of looking bad on their own by their hypocrisy, lying, child molestation charges, breaking up families, etc.

    I do not want to be so mean, but 'wake up and smell the coffee'. Or have you not noticed the 'stench' from all the unchristian and wrong things the JW organization has done over the past 50 years+.


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