Third Witness & Scholar,
I am sure that given your sneering remarks in recent months you know that many, though not all, who post to this board are agnostic / atheists or have 'lost their faith' in the Bible. I am inviting you to present a defence of the Bible in order to strengthen the resolve of the many JW's who read this board anonomously. This surely is your duty as 'Christians'?
During several long threads on the matter of Biblical chronology I suggested to you that if one could show the bible to be unreliable as a book of science and history, then it can no longer be trusted abover secular scholarhip for defining chronological issues and would make all these threads a moot point. I will remind you of my post :
Thirdwitness,You have really built up my faith in JWs having the truth. Thanks.You came here with an agenda. Your brief was to stick to one line of argumentation, whatever explanation, evidence and proof was offered to you in answer to your questions. This was your plan from the first post to the last. You have avoided answering questions which did not support your agenda, you have ignored historical realties when bought to your notice, again in favor of an agenda.
Your claims have not just been debunked, but debunked repeatedly, but you chose to ignore the conclusions to which a thinking persons mind ( to coin a WTS phrase! ) is inevitably drawn. You then claim victory in this debate, in the desperate sounding post that you made from which I quote above.
Do you really think that you have served your Brothers and Sisters well by exposing WTS doctrine to such critical analysis?
Now, if you really believe, as you claim, that JW lurkers have had their faith strengthened in the WTS by your monotonous attempts at presenting a flawed agenda, then please invite them to write to you in private mail and pass on their comments to the Board. I am calling your bluff Thirdwitness.
I also challenged you repeatedly to allow me to open a new thread directed at proving Biblical inconsitencies. It is an important issue, as when and if one can prove that the Bible is unreliable as a book of science and chronology, then all your arguments regarding its reliability and 'truth' are without foundation. This will clear up any issues that both yourself and Scholar may have between secular and Biblical chronology.
So, I am calling your bluff over two issues Thirdwitness. If you continue to ignore these challenges, the JW lurkers will know that you do not have the confidence in the Bible that you purport to have. Silence speaks many words.
Are you up for this challenge ThirdWitness? If you wish, you may engage the help of Scholar in this enterprise.
I am once again challenging you to a public, international debate on the subject of Biblical inconsistencies over the matter of science, history and chronology.
Will you take up this challenge, or at the very least let the readers know why you are unable to do so.