
by searching4truth 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • searching4truth

    I am still very uncertainabout many things and trying to sort through jw brainwashing and what i believe which is pretty difficult having been raised a jw. So i am interested in other points of view.

    That being said is babtism neccessary for a cristian? Is it scitural to think that to be aproved by god youshould be? If so who performs the ritual being no part of an organization?

  • AuldSoul

    Excellent question, and one I recently had to answer for myself. So I am freshly in touch with the Scriptures on the subject as of the last two weeks.

    Acts 10

    Where did Cornelius go to get baptized? Of what "earthly organization" was Peter a part? Of what "earthly organization" did Cornelius and his household become a part? As a side question, did Cornelius have to relinquish his military position to be acceptable to God?

    Acts 18:24-19:7; 1 Corinthians 1:10-17

    With whom does Paul indicate baptized Christians have identified themselves? Is he referring to an "earthly organization"?

    1 Corinthians 12:1-31

    Does being part of an organization require that the organization be earthly, or can the organization also be a spiritual one?

    I have a lot more that might help you figure this out, just ask if you want more. If you have an electronically searchable Bible that can handle "wildcard" searches (partial word searches), try reading the context of all scriptures in the Bible with "bapt*" in the text. You will get all the answer you need.


  • searching4truth

    dont have an electronic bible that will. yes i would more if you have have it

  • LovesDubs

    When you are baptized a JW tho you are not baptized in the name of the father son and holy spirit, you are baptized into the cult...and then your life is no longer your own.

    Try getting baptized in any other church and then coming back to the JWs and say you were already baptized...see how well that is received.

    When you become a JW you have to DENOUNCE any former church affiliation with ANY church of ANY religion...including what you thought was Christian. How many times are you to be baptized when becoming a CHristian? And what MEN have the right to decide whether or not your baptizm was "acceptable" to God?

    Therein lies the different between the JWs and other Christian churches. Either you are a JW or you are NOTHING.

  • searching4truth
    And what MEN have the right to decide whether or not your baptizm was "acceptable" to God?

    men dont have the right but what does the bible outline as gods requirements

  • AuldSoul


    Each of these includes at least paragraph context.

    Matthew 28:16-20

    Mark 10:35-40; 16:9-18

    Luke 12:49-53

    John 1:29-34; 3:22-30; 4:1-6

    Acts 1:4-5; 2:37-42; 8:12-17, 26-40; 9:17-19; 10:34-48; 11:13-17; 16:11-15, 25-34; 18:5-11, 24-19:7; 22:12-21

    Romans 6:1-7

    1 Corinthians 1:10-17; 10:1-5; 12:12-13

    Galatians 3:26-29

    Ephesians 4:1-6

    Colossians 2:8-12

    Hebrews 6:1-3; 9:6-10

    1 Peter 3:21-22

    As you can see, the Bible is far from silent on the topic of baptism. That is what led to my question on the thread I started about JW pre-requisites for Christian baptism. I can't find their requirements in the Bible.

    I wish I could tell you whether you need to be baptized and/or who can baptize you, but I can't. You will need to find that out for yourself. One thing I noticed is that there is no indication of any affiliation to or identification with an "earthly organization" resulting from Christian baptism. But I leave it to you to study the matter out thoroughly. If you run into questions and you'd like my opinion don't hesitate to ask, but I don't want to take the place of the Governing Body for you.


  • Synergy

    Hello there and welcome! I too was raised a JW and I had many questions and this was just one of them. I say, DON'T do it until you feel lead by Holy Spirit. Then by all means, DO IT! Don't do anything until God speaks to your heart and you know what is right for you. Being baptized a Christian is good anywhere. So if you get baptized in a river, pool, baptistry, it doesn't matter where. And as for the question of 'by whom', any baptized Christian can perform your baptism. It can be a priest, minister, or a strong Christian friend who I'm sure would be honored to do so. And yes, it can even be a woman! I was baptized by a minister in my best friends hot tub because it was the end of winter and still very cold. They heated it up, turned the bubbles off and I was dunked. Here's a picture...

  • kgav8r

    I have always felt that baptism is the outward sign of the inner salvation. Methodists will accept any baptism from the mainstream denominations, as it is just a symbol. It is not necessary for faith in Jesus the Messiah. Many liken it to the Jewish circumcision. A mark of belonging to the faith. A way to pronounce proudly your beliefs.

  • Carmel

    Some food for thought re: baptism!

    What is the wisdom of this: since Christ possessed all essential perfection, why did He need baptism?

    Answer. -- The principle of baptism is purification by repentance. John admonished and exhorted the people, and caused them to repent; then he baptized them. Therefore, it is apparent that this baptism is a symbol of repentance from all sin: its meaning is expressed in these words: "O God! as my body has become purified and cleansed from physical impurities, in the same way purify and sanctify my spirit from the impurities of the world of nature, which are not worthy of the Threshold of Thy Unity!" Repentance is the return from disobedience to obedience. Man, after remoteness and deprivation from God, repents and undergoes purification: and this is a symbol signifying "O God! make my heart good and pure, freed and sanctified from all save Thy love."

    As Christ desired that this institution of John should be used at that time by all, He Himself conformed to it in order to awaken the people and to complete the law of the former religion. Although the ablution of repentance was the institution of John, it was in reality formerly practiced in the religion of God.

    Christ was not in need of baptism; but as at that time it was an acceptable and praiseworthy action, and a sign of the glad tidings of the Kingdom, therefore, He confirmed it. However, afterward He said the true baptism is not with material water, but it must be with spirit and with water. In this case water does not signify material water, for elsewhere it is explicitly said baptism is with spirit and with fire, from which it is clear that the reference is not to material fire and material water, for baptism with fire is impossible.

    (Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions, p. 91)


  • jgnat

    Searching4truth, you have access to at least two electronic bibles through the internet.


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