Since someone started a thread about "remember when there were pianos in the hall"? I thought I would start this thread ... remember when everyone thought they had candida? Maybe it was just in IL and WI. But I remember in the 90's this was a big thing. Everyone was living on garlic and had cut out white processed foods. It was horrible. First of all it was a hall full of bad breathed. To the outside world it looked like a group that was possibly trying to ward off vampires. From what I understand there is one lone hold out to this candida craze. This guy was always a hypochondriac, so it makes sense that he is going to cling to this strangely hard to diagnose disease.
Candida Anyone?
by looking_glass 23 Replies latest jw friends
LOL , no i was out for years when this happened but i remember in the 80s there was always some stupid new light of something going on . Back then being a Vegetarien was a big thing and how to use different methods to tell if a pregnant sister was haveing a boy or a girl.The jws are so bored with their lives to have to think and do something exciting,,,,,,,,,lol
What I remember of it was, plain yogurt, lots of veggies, some fruit, I think mostly chicken and tons of garlic. Every time some sister said she was tired or had a headache a JW would pipe up and scream "she's got the candida" and everyone would kick into overdrive and tell the person what they could and could not eat.
I remember the vegan period as well. Thankfully my dad was not to be put thru that, but he was forced to swallow down a ton of vitamins, until the day he rebelled and said "I am not taking this sh*t anymore". I was like "yeah, me neither." I remember my mom's response, "well looks like I am the only one in this household that will be in the new system and be one step closer to perfection." I still give her crap over that statement to this day. Thankfully she realizes what a loon she sounded like.
Yep. I remember the candida obsession in the ' 80s. Just how you told it. Also, some screwball way (can't remember the specifics) of gender telling.There was always some "fad" or farce going around.
I wonder if you are talking about my old congo?
Supposedly one brother almost died from candida-at least, that was according to his mother (who never did let him go and lead a normal life. The poor guy will never get married thanks to his mamma).
2 - nope, I was not referring to the same guy. The guy I know is in Lake County, IL. Shocking to discovering there are more than one of these types of JW guys out there. Nah, not really. I think I was out before the colonic thing came out. I think it is crazy that JWs obsess over these "health" thing, but heaven forbid they go to the gym because that is being selfish and worldly pursuits.
You're right.
Yeah, I also remember some disgusting fungi in a jar, and you were supposed to drink the swill that it produced every day? Does anyone remember that?
No, but I remember the brewer's yeast shakes I got to drink EVERY day before school. Until the day I puked my guts up in first period .. thank god the school nurse told my mother to stop doing that to me. I loved that school nurse! She was my hero.
What the hell is Candida?
Is that anything like the Chronic Fatigue Sydrome that everyone had?