AK - Jeff:
Hint: Join the Mormons. They will keep you free of the filthy stuff.
hmmmm, caffeine addiction vs. mormonism, which to choose...lol
James Woods:
I guess everybody has a different experience with this - for me, caffeine just never seemed to "do" much of anything
On weekends when I'm not under as much stress as I am during the week, coffee doesn't seem to have such noticeable effects. At work it's a different story - i start compulsively downing mug after mug of the stuff, and by the time 11:00 rolls around I'm seated in my cube with my jaw clenched and mind racing in unpleasant ways.
Jim TX, good job on being able to reduce your intake. I find that, as mentioned, i get really compulsive with the stuff at work.
I have cut back and now try to only have one a day. (mind you it's a large one)
I find that the general definition of a "cup" of coffee is between 6 and 8 ounces, and so that whatever you're getting at starbucks is probably at least worth three cups :)
Would taking a shower and going for a brisk walk before you go to work help to "wake" you up??
My neighborhood is crappy, or else I would walk in the morning, but i may be moving soon, so i'll keep your suggestion in mind.