The REAL REASON JW's refuse blood

by DannyHaszard 22 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • DannyHaszard

    Top rank on the news wire during DC season good to go Don! The real reason Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusions
    Cayman Net News, Cayman Islands - 9 hours ago
    If you were to ask Jehovah's Witnesses why they would refuse a blood transfusion they will explain that it is because of what the Bible says about blood. ...


    The real reason Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusions

    Monday, August 7, 2006 Dear Sir: If you were to ask Jehovah's Witnesses why they would refuse a blood transfusion they will explain that it is because of what the Bible says about blood. They usually refer to Acts 15:20 where it says "abstain from blood" and reason that transfusing blood is not abstaining from blood. But they don't realize that what the Bible says about blood is not the real reason why they refuse blood transfusions. That real reason only shows up when looking at what Jehovah's Witnesses always do when the Watchtower Society stops teaching something. For example... For decades they believed that it was "the Creator's promise" in the Bible that the New World will be here before the generation of 1914 passes away. They said they believed this because of what Jesus said at Matthew 24:34 about "this generation will not pass away until all these things (including the New World) occur." But in November of 1995 the Watchtower Society stopped teaching such a thing. What did Jehovah's Witnesses then do? If the real reason they believed that teaching was because it was truly based on the Bible, then even though the Society stopped teaching it, Witnesses should have continued to believe it anyway. But they didn't. They all stopped believing it the moment the Society stopped teaching it. What does this show? It shows that the real reason why they believed that teaching was because that's what the Watchtower Society was teaching. They started believing it when the Society started teaching it and they stopped believing it when the Society stopped teaching it. Therefore what the Bible says at Matthew 24:34 is not the real reason they believed it. Again, this is what Jehovah's Witnesses always do when the Society starts and stops teaching something. While they are teaching something they call it "a true teaching of the Bible." When they stop teaching it is called "old light." This is the way it works with this religion. Is there any reason to believe that it is any different with the Society's current teaching about blood transfusions? Do Witnesses believe that transfusions are against God's Law because of what it says at Acts 15:20, or because this is what the Watchtower Society happens to be teaching at the present time? Here too the real reason will only show up if the Society ever changes what it teaches about blood transfusions. Why are they so willing to change what they believe whenever the Watchtower Society changes what teaches? I feel that former Governing Body Member Ray Franz has the answer on page 296 of his "Crisis of Conscience" where he said... "I believe that (all Witnesses) are, in effect, the captives of a concept. The concept or mental image they have of 'the organization' seems almost to take on a personality of its own, so that the concept itself controls them, moves them, or restrains them, by molding their thinking, their attitudes, their judgments...The ...concept of 'the organization'... becomes, in fact, the dominant, controlling force." Without realizing it, their belief that the Watchtower Society is "God's organization" - rather than the Bible - is what dominates and controls what they believe. That concept causes them to believe that whatever comes to them from the Watchtower Society is coming from God Himself since this is the organization he is using to teach them everything they need to know. As long as they believe that concept they will remain captives of it. If the Watchtower Society ever does change its mind about blood transfusions, Witnesses may still continue to seek alternative forms of treatment for medical reasons rather than Scriptural ones. Don Cameron

  • vitty

    What an excellent letter. It shows quite clearly, how JWs think and act.

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    We all know the truth of this, what the society says goes, this is how they manage to change rules and docrine so relatively easily, without the rank and file blinking an eye.

    CS 101

  • DannyHaszard
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Kudos Don, well said!

    Thank you Danny for bring that to us.

  • mcsemike

    This is an excellent point. Ex-JW's and non-JW's have hammered at this point for years, yet the JW's just don't see it. I thoroughly enjoyed this topic when getting my Psych degree. It is amazing (and we ex-JW's all did it too) that so many miss this point. This analogy is one of the easiest ways to prove that the WT is NOT the truth and that God never had anything to do with them. If something is Bible-based, then it doesn't matter HOW many JW's or GB members say something, it doesn't change the facts. If the blood teaching was self-evident and obvious, then every person on earth would believe the same thing, no matter what the WT taught. But they don't. The WT plays a very simple game of "Simon Says", and all the small people go along. No one ever thinks to ask, "Who's Simon?" or "Who gave Simon the right to say anything?" Or better yet, "Tell Simon to go to Hell."

    It's a shame that the thinking JW's won't come to the Internet in large enough numbers to make a difference any time soon. The next JW who comes to my door is going to get asked these points. "How come you all think the same, how come you all change your minds on the exact same Sunday morning after the "new light" in the Watchtower, how come you all play the game of "Traffic Light" all the time?" Does anyone remember that one? Stop, go, stop, go. Just like little robots. It truly is a shame that the WT has captured the minds of so many kind people.

  • katiekitten
    The WT plays a very simple game of "Simon Says", and all the small people go along. No one ever thinks to ask, "Who's Simon?" or "Who gave Simon the right to say anything?" Or better yet, "Tell Simon to go to Hell."

    OMG its true. My whole life was just caught up in a game of Simon Says!

    Once you decide that Simon's not important he has no hold over you. Hmmmm just like de debil.....

  • DannyHaszard
    OMG its true. My whole life was just caught up in a game of Simon Says!

    The line from the movie usual suspects- the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist (or that his name is Jehovah)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Imagine what would happen if Brother Ancient Worthy, afflicted with dementia, got up at a District Assembly and said that the souls of the dead reside in Sheol. There would be pandemonium. The conflict between what is so clearly taught in the scriptures (according to JWs) and such a ridiculous statement would be immediately apparent to many JWs, who would then quickly explain it to those sitting around them.

    Yet with blood, the FDS can say "No fractions - fractions OK" and nobody bats an eyelash. It is like they are all thinking, "WHAT-ever - let's get this meeting OVER so I can go home."

  • SirNose586

    Hmm, I was half-expecting some link to the vampire lobby. Wrong again...

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