Out of the mouths of babes

by mrsjones5 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mrsjones5

    This morning at the breakfast table my eight year old daugther asked if my mother went to church. I told her yes and they call it a kingdom hall. My oldest son (he's twelve) pipes in "Yeah, it's a boring place." My daughter asks "Why?" "Because," I said, "You have to sit there for 2 hours and you can't do anything." "Not even read a book", says my son (he means books like Harry Potter - a fav of my daughter). I told them both that kingdom halls don't have a children's ministry like our church does so the children have to sit with their parents and be quiet, even the babies. "And if the babies aren's quiet, what happens?" asks my daughter. "They get spanked" I say. "That's just silly" says my son.

    Out of the mouths of babes.


  • noni1974

    Sad but true.

  • juni

    yes, isn't it sad-

    They expect the young ones to be little adults.


  • lisavegas420

    my 9year old g-daugher recently asked my if she was Christian.

    I said well that's up to you. Do you believe that Jesus came to the earth and died for your sins?

    She said.."what's a sin?"

    While I tried to explain to her what a sin was she interrupted me to ask

    "Did this happened BEFORE she was born."


  • ButtLight

    I look back now when I was reinstated. My kids were young. My daughter was a little over 2, and my son was about 8 months. I remember taking my little one to the bathroom and spanking him for making too much noise! I feel terrible about it now! It is just so wrong! (teach them at a young age they say) Like an 8 month old baby knows he is suppose to sit for two hours and not make a peep? Give me a damn break!

  • mkr32208

    Oh dear GOD please get a picture of him reading harry potter in the kingdom hall!

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    There was a jw that abused my family, and my 5 year old son who was present heatedly told the jw that he wouldn't even know what one plus one was - the jw looked at me stating incredulity that I didn't discipline my small child - I on the other hand thought it quite astute for a 5 year old - and apt.

  • TMS

    Mrs. Jones,

    Your babies are safe.


  • done4good

    Better watch out, that Harry Potter book might fly out of the KH!!!

  • heathen

    I just hated that at the meetings watching some poor kid get the hell beat out him on the way to the back of the hall. They really do need a day care or some sort of play room for the youngsters that just can't understand the stuff anyway .

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