How about a few rules for christians?
1. Believe first, then see.
2. Doubt not allowed. No belief, see/get nothing.
3. If you are saved, it's because god saved you.
4. If lost to eternal damnation, it's you own damm fault.
5. Jesus bore mankinds sicknesses, but he was never sick.
6. Jesus bore the worlds sins, but he sinned not.
7. God created all in six days, why is it still going on? - stars forming from hydrogen gas clouds
8. Satan has been conquered, but he rules the whole world.
9. Jesus started 'the way', paul started 'christianity', peter, with pauls help, started the catholic church.
10. God created/creates good and evil, yet he is not evil.
11. Jesus was the greatest man who ever lived, but secular testimony totals less than one page.
12. Death has been conquered, yet all die.
Ironic, isn't it??