Sinis, might I suggest that you Google the word "freethinkers" and see where, and to whom, that leads you. It made all the difference to me when I was leaving the Witnesses and struggling with this concept of god and religion. Suddenly the world, and religion's place in it, began to make huge sense to me. No more quandries, no more fear.
What you will most likely believe, if you are religious, is mainly a factor of when and where you're born. What we know about Jesus are the collected writings of some of his followers, some with obviously very different beliefs (how come this is skimmed over by most Biblical literalists like the JWs is obvious, but some of the contradictions really bothered me, even as a JW). These writings seem to be based on various written and oral sources, and to a degree on each other, as in the Synoptic gospels.
These writings were made decades after this Rabbi Jesus had come and gone, and were embellished in various ways by his followers, often to make it look as though Jesus were "fulfilling" prophecies from the OT. Now, centuries later, professed Christians had a huge battle trying to decide which of this vast group of writings about Jesus and what he taught would be accepted as the Christian canon. Some books that were included in some canons were excluded in others. It was a serious power stuggle, and eventually one group dominated.
And one should not underestimate the impact Paul had on what would come to be know as Christianity. Paul's affect on "Christian" doctrine is much, much greater than that of Jesus.
That's how we get our NT Bible, and much of what we think we know about Jesus. Guess what? If another faction had won, our Bible would look quite different than it does, and Christian belief would be quite different as well.
Think about all this before you try to take the Bible and Christianity at face value. Do some reading from various sources on the Bible and early Christianity. It will be an eye opener.
Enjoy the journey.