Has their ever been an xjw cruise? I wonder if there would any intrest? I read somewhere that cruise lines do specialty cruises on their normal routes.
by uwishufish 13 Replies latest jw friends
Has their ever been an xjw cruise? I wonder if there would any intrest? I read somewhere that cruise lines do specialty cruises on their normal routes.
We should arrange an X-jw cruise when a large group of active j-dubs take their cruise.
when and where do the dubs do this
one of my clients is a travel agent< who specializes in cruises
next time i see her< in about two weeks i will ask her about that
if she doesnt know i am sure she could do some fancy finger work with her puter and find out
Ah, to share the joys of balllistic vomiting and explosive diarrhea with a great crowd of fellow 'festers!
Of course mass quantities of alcohol (and citricidal) ought to keep the little bugs in check...
Hey Nathan Nates,
This thread reminds me that your avatar looks like Isaac the bar tender from Love Boat.
when and where do the dubs do this I have family members that like to take cruises and often arrange a fairly large group once a year. I guess you would have to know a group of j-dubs that do this regularly in order to know the exact dates, group size, etc. However maybe the previous poster will find something useful from the travel agent.
gosh, JWs that do something so worldly and self-indulgent? RIGHT BEFORE ARMAGEDDON???!!!! Wait, my mom has been on several. . .hmmm. Well, if she is going against jW teachings, glad she took me with her! Hawaii was a blast. . .
uwishufish asked,
when and where do the dubs do this
one of our members - Richie Rich - recently was given a graduation gift by his grandparents - a cruise from Seattle to Alaska and back with his grandpa. This was only a couple of months ago.
On his cruise was a mini-congregation of Dubs. he asked them about their meeting attendance and field service and they explained that they got together each morning to discuss the day's text, etc.
It happens, uwishufish. Maybe Jaracz himself isn't the tour guide, but it happens, just as in the other churches of christendom.
The WTS came down on the JW cruises with an iron fist.
Back several years ago, there were well organized witness cruises that happened a couple of times a year. This just wasn't a few friends and families getting together, this was organized to get as many dubs as possible to sign up. People from all over would go, not even knowing any of the other dubs that were going would sign up. It became a favorite of some of the younger crowd to meet other young ones...and party of course. Some of the cruises came back with some sordid stories to tell.
At one of the special training days for elders and MSs they gave stern warnings to elders and MSs about sharing in these activities. These cruises are not WT sanctioned and they expected the elders and MSs to set the example to the others by not going or even expressing the wish to go. And they were to discourage others from going. I remembered that well, because an MS buddy of mine, who had recently been made elder, his wife was leading the charge in our area in getting word out that the cruise was on. She was giving flyers out that had all the pricing, routes and excursion info to all the dubs she knew, trying to get as many as she could to go. It was quite the embarrasement for her as she had to tell everyone to forget the whole thing, that she shouldn't have been doing that.
Since then, there still have been some JW cruises but not to the extent they used to be. Most of them now are select friends and families who get together to go or some of the younger crowd will organize an underground group to go and not make much noise about it to others.