Face it, there is one very true statement that can be said about the Bible. That is, that there are two completely different gods described. The old testament, is talking about a angry, vengeful and wrathful god. The new testament is mentioning a loving, caring and fatherly god. I was always wondering as a Christian, why others never asked this question more. Why does the bible describe two gods, and yet people always say there is only one, even when they are Christians? The Christian God is no more the Jewish God, then the American President is the President of Russia. Two different beings, two totally different personalities and two obvious different ways of handling things. So, ever ask something like this to the elders?
Ever ask an elder why there are two gods described in the Bible?
by free2beme 24 Replies latest jw friends
I was actually thinking about that the other night. The old testament god, in the eloquent words of Lewis Black, is a prick.
But if you read the psalms, they say that he is a god of kindness and mercy. The bible studies will ask the question "How do we know that Jehovah is a Kind, Merciful God?" the answer is... "because the bible says so"
All I ever read in the OT stories was a god of anger, vengeance and jealousy.. where was the love?
I always did wonder about that too.
I could never reconcile why such a loving god would condone all that killing and penis cutting. Of course the dub reason as fas as I can understand is that 'them were different time, and needed firmer direction cuz of the jews wandering through the wilderness' or something along those lines.
I dunno. Couldnt he just put a big ole protective cloud round them, seeing as how he parted the water, made the sun stand still, magicked food on the ground etc etc
When the Old testament says that Jehovah is a god of mercy and love. I see that like an abused wife saying, "but he is a good father and takes care of the family." He is still an abusive father! He is a HYPCRIT too. He will condemn a person to death for taking the live of an unborn child, but will wipe out 1000's of innocent people for simply being born in the wrong part of the world.
A testament is a will. I asked a Witness why God has two wills and they looked at me like a dog looks at a squeaking gate.
actually, a will is a kind of testament - not vice versa:tes·ta·ment (tes't?-m?nt)
n.- Something that serves as tangible proof or evidence: The spacious plan of the city is a testament to the foresight of its founders.
- A statement of belief; a credo: my political testament.
- Law. A written document providing for the disposition of a person's property after death; a will.
- Testament Bible. Either of the two main divisions of the Bible.
- Archaic. A covenant between humans and God.
The Lone Ranger
I can’t agree with that, in the old Testament God was setting up the nation of Israel, and preparing the promised land for them, the land at that time were populated by the Canaanites who were into gross idol worship, human sacrifices etc.. which is why God had them killed so that all remembrance of them was forgotten, it is note worth to mention that as the Israelites entered the land God had the Israelites warned the Canaanites to give up their ways and serve the Israelites or they will be destroyed, they choose not to. As far as children being killed are concerned, remember that all remembrance of their gross ways had to be removed, if children were allowed to live and grow up then the Idol worship and Human sacrifices would be recalled. Also, I believe God will resurrect them all.
I know that some will not agree with this, but I don’t believe God kills anyone for no good reason, even if he didn’t fully explain it to us. The Insight Volumes do have a good account of this subject under the Title ‘Canaanites’, I remember it well because I did a Bible Highlight on it once.
Are you still a Witness and using their information for your research?
The Lone Ranger
I am still regarded as a JW, but not by choice, my mother, sister, wife, and most friends are all JW’s, so I‘m not ready to make the big move-out, yet. That’s why the Lone Ranger wears a Mask. lol
As far as the research is concerned, I didn’t make any extra research to your question, I just answered it the way I have already knew it to be.
I’m not surprised Elders didn’t explain it to you, many know very little themselves.
I have being awaken to the WTS lies but I still believe in the bible. I’ve meet others who felt the same way you do about the old testament, but I don’t believe God butchers people, women and children for nothing, even if he didn’t fully explain it to us, remember the account of Job, all the suffering that Job went threw, have you ever noticed that God didn’t explain to him what had happened in the heavens? In the last 2 chapters, God simple showed him all his power and wisdom threw creation, and then asked Job “and you question me?” In that case Job could see that there must’ve being a good reason for his suffering although he didn’t understand it.
Regards The Lone Ranger.
Job a book written by Moses while wondering through the desert ????? Job wasn't a Jew so how did Moses know of him and the finite details of his life.
I asked this and many more questions of the elders I dont think they like me now.....