I have this Tshirt that belongs to my fiance that I nicked. Its so BIG and soft and comfy. I even named it sleeping shirt. Its revloting and I love it.
That "thing" you should burn...
by Sparkplug 32 Replies latest jw friends
I have this Tshirt that belongs to my fiance that I nicked.
Ahh, Peaches! Stolen Boyfriend shirts are the best!
Ahh, Peaches! Stolen Boyfriend shirts are the best!
Aren't they though! I swear I've never had such an attachment to a garment before! LOL. Dammit I needed a boyfriend a long time ago I think - purely for the garments I could have absconded with...
lol Peaches,
I stole a glove from a guy in the congregation that worked construction when I was about 14. It was a nasty old glove with stucco and paint on it. I thought I would die if I did not sleep with it on for about a year. haha I was such a boob!
I found this pic of OpenFireGlass!!!!!!!!!!!! He needs to burn the pants don't cha think????
I was thinking of something more in the herbal variety.
purps- Now that is funny!
I was thinking of something more in the herbal variety.
Right. -
Sadie Masokissdick
When I first read the tile of Sparkplug's topic, I thought that it would be about an elder's order to burn something possessed by those horrible gremlin-like "demunz" - something bought at a garage sale, or maybe a Smurf doll. Imagine my disappointment to learn it was about fashion or a lack thereof.
Mine is an OLD, ratty oversized men's flannel shirt. My stepmom, daughter, exhubby, and various old boyfriends have tried, to no avail, and throw it out. It outlasted the hubby and boyfriends. It doesn't even have sleeves anymore. Now it's just the principle!!
I thought this would be a thread about smurfs, too. Or something weird like that! My sister, has a joke, got me a smurf at a garage sale. It's setting on my entertainment center and stares at all who enter. Can't wait for my JW mom to pop in!
I've got a ratty pair of pyjama pants that are struggling with life. I love them sooooo much. They started out as warm flannel pants with Winnie the Pooh (he's got sparkly angel wings) on them. Somehow over time they've morphed into a rag with legs. The flannels worn down to the bare threads and the legs are all torn at the bottom. If I put them on it equals instant company at the door