A young man of 20 has sex with his willing 17 year old girl friend. Her parents find out and press charges. Now he is a sex offender. Five years later he marries and they buy a home and have a baby girl. He is a good husband and father. Someone in the neighborhood does a search for sex offenders and his name comes up. This person starts watching and sees this toddler and reports him. Now the baby has to live with the grandparents and the wife has to divide her time between her parents home with the baby and her own home with her husband. This will go on until the child is 18.They dare not have more children. Oh, and he is not allowed to visit his child.
There was a segment on Dateline about this a while ago. It gave the example of one guy who was 30 years old who started dating a woman in his neighbourhood who he thought was about 22 or 23. After a few months, she finally told him she was only 16. He knew he should break it off at that point, but he was already in love with her and they continued on. That is, until her father found out, pressed charges and the poor bugger went to prison for 3 years and is now a registered sex offender. Even the girl went to court on his behalf to emphasize that she had led him to believe she was older, that he did not coerce her in any way, that she was in love with him and she slept with him willingly.
All this made no difference to the prosecutor and he freely admitted that it's a blanket policy. To law enforcement, they don't differenciate between a 20 year old boyfriend making love to his 17 year old girlfriend, and some 50 year old pervert who rapes a 6 year old child. Clearly there's something wrong with the laws and they need to be changed. Life and love is not black and white. Love and sexual desire does not just start the day someone turns 18 and it's ridiculous to prosecute these people for a "crime". Of course parents are going to flip out, because no one wants to think that their "little girl" of 17 years would willingly have sex outside of marriage right?
If you look at some famous love stories, they didn't start the day the girl turned 18, but long before. Loretta Lynn married her husband at the age of 13 and had her first baby by the age of 14. Elvis started dating Priscilla when she was only 14. By today's standards, both of these men would be charged with being a pedophile and have their asses flung in prison with a criminal record following them around the rest of their lives.
Even fictional romances usually start before the "legal age". Scarlett O'Hara was only 16 when Rhett Butler got the hots for her. He was 33 so by today's laws, he'd be considered a dirty old man. Even in the movie Titanic, Rose's character was supposed to be 17 years old and Jack 20.
Unfortunately, it seems to be human nature never to be balanced on anything. The laws went from where there was no protection for children from pedophiles, to where teenagers who are in love risk being prosecuted as a criminal if they're caught with their pants down. Pretty stupid when you think about it.