I eventually forced him to admit that he was not acting alone. Exactly the same scenario occured with ThirdWitness....We know that Scholar is advised by an elder whom he admitted had considerable experience in the matter - these elders are very few and far between.
Unless you have met face to face and conclusively proven that tw and scholar are who they say they are, they are still shielded by the veil of anonymity that the web provides. Just because they may have admitted they were not acting alone or confided in you that an elder was helping them formulate their defense, doesn't mean a thing. They may create ANY story they wish - who can prove otherwise? When you say, "We know that Scholar is advised by an elder...," HOW do you know? Because Scholar said so? I'm sorry, but I've never met this person and I believe no one else on this board has either. So again, how do we know he is being advised by an elder? Umm, because we just take his word for it?
I know this thread was initiated simply as a hypothetical topic. But there was a relatively strong pattern which developed immediately after it was created. Because Alan started it, 95% of the posters following it agreed with Alan. I admit that I am one of the remaining 5% because my gut tells me he's off. Will this put me in the dog house with Alan? I don't really care. Some posters may feel the need to keep the status quo in line with Alan's train of thought. I agree with most of his topics - just not this one.
I view the WTS as a business. I feel that I have a fairly strong business sense. My gut told me that the WTS would cut back on the magazines months before the announcement was made(and yes, I'm still proud of the fact that I figured it would happen - just waiting for the other items to occur). Concerning these "posters" who try and debate WTS dogma on this board - What do they have to do with the WTS's bottom line? Nothing really. I just cannot see why the WTS would grant authority to a bethel worker or an elder to argue these doctrinal issues. They risk exposing these "Agents" to other more damaging topics - ones that cannot be defended or obfuscated. By allowing these agents to try and defend these doctrines in a public forum only exposes their flaws even further. Which is why the WTS never gets involved in any public debates with other religions or critics. Current doctrine is becoming formulated around cash flow and lawsuits. If the money dries up at the same or faster pace than now, the more mainstream they will likely become.
At this point in time, the WTS is focusing on the money. Years ago(pre voluntary donations) they might have pitched Alan's idea in a gb meeting if the internet existed. But these days? Highly unlikely.