dilaceratus: In this scenario one then has to imagine Ted/Karla resting his work-fevered, hairless cranium against the window as dawn approaches, his tired, hooded eyes suddenly sparkling with glee... his creation has found versimillitude with one single, master stroke: an unshakable faith in the never-rebuilt city of Tyre!
Um...I find your capacity to imagine sorely wanting if this is the only hypothesis you can come up with to explain the phenomenon we have witnessed from thirdwitness.
Originally, I and many others noted distinct stylistic variations between posts and began to pick up on subtle cues that some of the posts were consistent with each other while being inconsistent with the whole body of thirdwitness' posts. When asked directly whether more than one person was using the same account, thirdwitness admitted it.
To satisfy what we have seen, one need only imagine that the organizational "heavies" AT SOME LEVEL assigned a group of technophiles to covertly create Web sites designed to support the Watchtower Society dogma and publicly appear to address certain issues online which the Watchtower Society does not DARE address in Watchtower publications. It is not a stretch that these same defenders would be called on to direct attention to these created sites on apostate forums, engage in a bit of argumentation, but not too much argumentation from any one person, to avoid the possibility of original thoughts intruding.
It is not coincidence that the sites to which thirdwitness directs attention are glitzy, modern, and all share the exact same incapability of interaction or feedback of any kind, not even allowing an email to the site's programmer. This incapacity is rarely, if EVER seen on a modern site, yet the official Watchtower site shares the same unique distinction.
The Watchtower Society has surely discovered that when address issues directly in their publications they receive many inquiries about the issue they addressed. It must have (at some point) dawned on them that at least some of the people they respond to are dissatisfied with the responses and begin an independent search. The reasonable starting point for such a search is the Internet. This must be fought, in some way, to prevent the name of the Governing Body Jehovah from being sullied.