What do you mean by " Why didn't the preaching work stop prior to 1975?"
Thank you,
by plmkrzy 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What do you mean by " Why didn't the preaching work stop prior to 1975?"
Thank you,
Hi connections, welcome to the forum. I was away for a few days and just read your Q.
What do you mean by " Why didn't the preaching work stop prior to 1975?" ;
Apparently it is old light now but in short, there was a time when the book of Mathew was interpreted as meaning or prophesying that just before the end, in the last days, all Jehovah’s Witnesses would be oppressed, and the preaching work will stop. (but not before every person on earth received a Watch Tower and Awake)
So, since that never happened prior to 1975 (1970,1971,1972,1973 and 1974 the preaching work was strong as ever and the government never made it against the law to be a Jehovah's Witness) I never understood how they could assume the end was even remotely close to 1975 or 1976 or 1977 or 1978 or 1979 and so on and so on. It just never made a lick of sense.
During that time there was an Armaggedon Frenzy..People sold thier homes,busness`s,quit thier job`s and lived off thier savings just to preach..WBTS must have made a bundle$$$$$$$$ with all that free labour..Later WBTS blamed the frenzy on over zealous people..The Jehovahs Witness`s were whipped into the frenzy by what the WBTS taught and published in the Watchtower and Awake..Now none of them can remember what they preached decades ago..How do you spell "Brainwshed Cult"??..J-e-h-o-v-a-h-`s W-i-t-n-e-s-s`-s...OUTLAW
OUTLAW it would be interesting to know how much Real Estate the society purchased during the 70's compared to any other time. I’d like to find out but how would someone go about getting that kind of info? It would be interesting to know.
Hey plum,I would imagine it was Business as usuall with the WBTS..This does bring back memories though..One friend of mine,his dad was one of the 144000.He sold every thing he had and went to preach were the need was great..Hawaii..LOL!!..He would go up to the Budist Monestary and preach to the Monks..LOL!!..Now he`s a rabid apostate who stands outside assembleys with a bullhorn..What a nut job!..There were others that were not so funny..They retired in poverty after spending thier life savings,to preach about armaggedon comming in 1975..Now the WatchTower Bible and Tract Society won`t even acknowledge the harm they have caused...OUTLAW
Simple ... Two reasons:
#1 - Keep 'em captives with BLOOD GUILT!
#2 - With so many donuts being made daily, who is there to eat them if the Dubs didn't do FS (in coffeeshops)?
Now he`s a rabid apostate who stands outside assembleys with a bullhorn..What a nut job!..
I think I saw him at the Convention Center in Ca.
I was in Jr. High (now known as middle school) and I remember the society encouraging youth to NOT put so much importance on education but rather concentrate on being a full time publisher. They made it seem as though getting an education, going to collage was useless since this system of things would be ending shortly anyway. I do remember that clearly!
FS in coffee shops.