Glad I found this place!!!

by payinu 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • payinu

    Just saying hi, and I am soooooo glad to find this site. I have been out of the org. for about 7 years now, and am just now feeling fully free. It is amazing the hold they have on you. It takes a while to de-program yourself. My hubby doesn't go to meetings anymore, but still has a Mom that beats him to death about it. I don't know if I will ever fully get him to just tell them to take a flyin' leap. Maybe with the help and information here I can get some good ammo!!

  • wozadummy

    Hi payinyu

    I hope in time I get to feel as free as you

  • Purza
    It takes a while to de-program yourself.

    So true. And everyone is different. I think I have succeeded and then something else comes up and those old feelings come back. I am glad you found this place too. Welcome.


  • AudeSapere

    We're glad you found us, too!!


    Stick around and share more when you're ready.

    -Aude Sapere (Meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding)

  • Twitch


  • Poztate
    Maybe with the help and information here I can get some good ammo!!

    Welcome to JWD. Another good source of "ammo" is if you haven't found it already.

  • Carmel

    They say Mules, Missourians and JWs are the hardest animals to re-train! Welcome and bring your hsbnd on. We'd love having you both!


  • JamesThomas

    Welcome to the forum.

    Here, ya go:



  • parakeet

    ***My hubby doesn't go to meetings anymore, but still has a Mom that beats him to death about it. I don't know if I will ever fully get him to just tell them to take a flyin' leap.***
    I've faded out of the org 30 years ago, yet still occasionally get flak from my JW mom. If I told her to take a "flyin' leap," it would be the end of our relationship, which I still treasure despite the JW problems in it.
    I agree with you that it's a good idea to line up your ammunition, but be sure it's absolutely necessary before you use it. I wouldn't attempt to destroy the relationship between mother and son unless there's no other choice.

  • Thegoodgirl

    Welcome, Payinu! I've been out for about 6 years, but somehow, that JW stuff is always having an impact on my life in one way or another. Hope you stick around and enjoy the site!

    The Good Girl

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