Wanted - two men of integrity at Bethel

by moshe 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • moshe

    I think a big change is due soon for Jehovah's Witnesses and it will come about because of changes from the top. All it will take is two men on the Governing Body who somehow convince the rest to implement these three changes , for starters I see this:

    #1- they eliminate all rules and guidelines on all medical practices. #2- they stop keeping publisher reports and setting Field Service goals. #3- they stop shunning former members.

    With no innocent children being killed by blood and medical treatment bans, no broken homes from shunning and no householders having their Saturday morning coffee disturbed, It will be a happier world for all.

  • lawrence


    What will the Pharisees do then? Start a fantasy football league? Play Kingdom Bingo? Help the Salvation Army at Xmas time raise money for kids' toys? These men are power hungry & stupid, all of them, and those kind of changes will occur when lions play with labrador retrievers....

  • fullofdoubtnow
    #1- they eliminate all rules and guidelines on all medical practices. #2- they stop keeping publisher reports and setting Field Service goals. #3- they stop shunning former members.

    It would be a good thing if those things happened, but I'm not holding my breath.

  • moshe

    I picked three things that would cause little change in present WT dogma for the Witnesses, but would cause big changes for their life. It is self evident what advantages the elimination of the Blood Transfusion ban would bring.

    Eliminating those pesky FS reports would totally eliminate the need for the Ministry School and service meetings, too. That extra night every week , plus getting back most of all those wasted hours of FS every month would go a long way toward bringing peace and happiness to JW homes. Being inactive will not get you Df'ed, either. Youth could go to college instead of being pushed in the pioneer ranks.

    Shunning has caused so much heartache for JW families in return for little of value. Meetings and Assemblies would be shortened since so much of the talks cover these three areas- no longer will the brothers and sisters have to endure talks about- field service, medical treatments, shunning ex- members, etc. This would take out a big chunk of WT study material and public talk material every month ,too. Next step? 45 minute Sunday talks and a 45 minute WT study from a WT mag that comes out only once a month.

    History shows that even a single man can change the world ,like, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther, Mikhail Gorbachev . Surely, two small men at Bethel will eventually convince the rest in the need for changes that do not essentially change WT teachings very much.

  • fullofdoubtnow
    Surely, two small men at Bethel will eventually convince the rest in the need for changes that do not essentially change WT teachings very much.

    They might, but it's finding the two men that will be the problem.

  • Jim_TX
    Eliminating those pesky FS reports would totally eliminate the need for the Ministry School and service meetings, too. That extra night every week , plus getting back most of all those wasted hours of FS every month would go a long way toward bringing peace and happiness to JW homes. Being inactive will not get you Df'ed, either. Youth could go to college instead of being pushed in the pioneer ranks.

    I disagree with the 'eliminate the need for the Ministry School and service meetings' bit. I don't think that 'reduction' of time spent engrossed in JW-related meetings is what the direction they want to go.

    After all... if they did this, that means that the current members in 'good standing' would start to think. Thinking about things other than JW-related things is bad (from their standpoint), as that means that one might start to de-program themselves and 'see' the WTBTS and the religion for what it really is - and leave. They don't want that.

    Nope. Sorry. Gotta keep the troops busy with 'make-work'. Keep them from having any free time to sit and think.


    Jim TX

  • stillajwexelder

    no chance

  • Tristram


    I appreciate your optimism, but to paraphrase Dana Carvey's imitation of George Bush Sr.: "Not gonna do it."

  • mama1119

    Its a cult, a cult does not give up its power, any power, over its members, and is certainly not going to give its members more free time. If two guys were to ever mention such changes, surely they would be df immediatley and kicked out on their bums!!!!

  • moshe

    Hmmm- so good never triumphs over evil? We might as well close down this board. Weren't most of the ex-JWs here believers one year and doubters a year later? What could have happened differently, if Ray Franz had had one supporter in Bethel? Could the brothers survive an open battle on the Governing body? No!! They would have to compromise in order to keep the organization intact..Many changes are taking place at Bethel and we can't see the hearts of individuals, but I am convinced that, if we can change , then so can the WT leaders. They are losing so many kids and members out the back door, that field dervice will not, can not stem the losses. The blood issue is a big liability that they must eliminate . I still see changes coming that do not change their core Bible doctrines.


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