When I was a teenager we had these two annointeds in our hall, man and woman, very very gung-ho elder, pioneer type. Well, they had an affair for many years and then got df...I always wondered, if God chose them to be annointed, did he now reject them.....or did they just take a break, because as soon as they got reinstats they were partaking again????? What was the official stance on that????
Were the "Annointed" that got disfellowshipped still "Annointed"??????
by mama1119 19 Replies latest jw friends
I asked about that when I was a JW, and the elder said it wasn't possible for someone like that to repent. I reminded him that, according to the society some 1st century christians were expelled and later "reinstated". Weren't all of them annointed at that time? Then he revised his answer, and said "once annointed, always annointed", and a DF'd annointed person would still be annointed. Then I asked him what would happen to a "replacement annointed one" that Jehovah may have selected while the first annointed one was in a DF'd state. Would he lose his annointed status? Would he be benched until the next annointed one screwed up and got Df'd? To me it was unthinkable that Jehovah would annoint a replacement and later change his mind. The elder had no answer for me.
That was when I first realized the elders really don't know shit.
My understanding of current JW teaching is, yes, they are still anointed, even though D-F'ed.
However, they become un-anointed if they remain D-f'ed at the time of their death.
This is the loophole that allows so many "young anointed" to come into the org., ones born after 1935. The idea is, at some point some of the were anointed D-F'ed, but didn't die right away. God had to kind hold onto their reserved spot, just in case they got re-instated. But once they died, that's it, game over. God had to lookin' around for someone else to anoint to take their place.
Currently, all but three of the governing body are considered as "replacements".
You can't make up stuff like this!
I heard the same thing... they loss the annointmentship when D'ed and replacemant annointed takes their place.
I asked this very same question many years ago, and the anointed brother who answered me said that if a member of the anointed left the truth or was disfellowshipped, there was no way back, they were dead. He used this scripture, from Hebrews 10, to prove it:
26 For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. 28 Anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses. 29 How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the one who has spurned the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace
According to him, by da'ing or being df'd, they had rejected Christ's sacrifice, and it would not be offerred to them. If they died before armageddon, they would stay dead, no resurrection, nothing.
What difference would disfellowshipping make anyway? How would something that men do alter their salvation and eternal life? And what difference would dying while DF’d make? Our Lord said:
27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and my Father are one.
The WT lies to you. Scares you. Makes you distribute lying literature to others and millions of you just love it. Look at what is self evident as taught in this text. There are no sheep in the WT system of worship.
First of all its not the organization, or the elders who do the anointing, that number was known before creation. That statis is reserved and judged by Jehovah, just as is the great crowd. "Many are called but few are choosen, there may be twice the number of partakers that will accually acsend to heaven and there is no adverse judgement for those who partake "worthly". These are not sealed until after death and what man knows what happens then. It is presumptiounes on anyones part to say who is or who is not anointed.Dissfellowshipping is a manmade idea. No one can remove you from Jehovah or take away HIS spirit, but HIM.
No longer with the organization....but anointed.
lester.... why did you leave? I've never talked to anyone who was annointed. Or were you just being sacrastic
Judge not less you be judged, judgement is not up to mankind but to God, so when you hear the saying "they say this and that" its not Jehovah, the scriptures shed light, I hat that word, and acts as a guild, yet they in themselves do not pronouce judgment, we are all dead anyway because of inherent sin. How doyou put limits on underserved kindness and forgiveness?
Interesting point.. thanks for replying