Not trying to brag, but I am very at ease now with witnessing, having been saved by the Lord over six years ago. I hated to 'witness' as a witness, sharing my religion as I am now sharing Jesus under the power of the Holy Spirit. Friends in ministry recognized the boldness after it came upon me suddenly following a particulary amazing prayer session with a fellow believer.
He described it as 'hearing the heartbeat for the lost that the Lord Himself has'. I get goose pimples just thinking aobut it sometimes and when people see the light of Jesus in their eyes for the first time it is an awesome experience! Whenever there is a event or campaign I get invited to go or often lead prayer walking/witnessing efforts.
I have no idea how many have prayed with me. Sometimes two or three in a family, one time a waitres at a Cracker Barrel and when visiting her again another waitress prayed ro receive Jesus. Two ladies at a bar on different days (yes, I go where the sinners are! LOL). My mom and grandmother (a week before she died, 50 years a JW!) have both gotten saved. I am taking no credit as the whole thing is quite beyond me. The Lord has given me boldness and a quick insight into where people are at (with God).
I like to use my testimony in preaching for various churches and even do a counter cult ministry. All cults practice the same kind of schemes and scams. Satan has not much imagination, he is just consistently effective at using the same old hereies in religions. Gnosticism is just one that is repeated over and over again. That and confusing the nature of God, araianism, modalism, oneness. When you see a group claiming to be the 'only true Christians' or they harbor heretical doctrines that is the tip off that they are cults hiding behind the Bible. God Bless,