Depression was widespread among the JW's when I was in. One of the reasons is that they don't have coping skills. Think of it;
- they are told to pray more
- go out in service more
- attend more meetings
- associate with the bros and sisters more
It's all about doing MORE when some of these poor souls can barely care for themselves let alone their families they are made to feel guilt and shame that they aren't doing MORE for Jehovah. Doing MORE is not a coping skill for a depressed person. That is a human doing not a human being.
Taking care of oneself is high on the list of learning to cope with depression. Some of the ways one does this is;
- Get proper medical and or psychiatric help
- Get proper medicine, rest and exercise
- Therapy may be necessary
- Avoid outside activities until stabilized, IE; meetings!
I've been told that depression is anger turned inward, now what would Jehovah's happy people have to be angry about? Could it be that most of them come from dysfunctional families to begin with and have not learned good coping skills let alone good life skills. Combine that with being in a cult which basically indoctrinates the belief system that you don't see what you see, hear what you hear or feel what you feel (a learned behavior of most dysfunctional structures) because you are Jehovah's happy people.
Another thing JW's do is misinterpret the scripture at Ephesians 4:26: Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with YOU in a provoked state, to mean do not get angry! I wish I had a dollar for every time the emphasis was put on not being angry! The scripture tells one to own your anger (be wrathful) we have a right to our anger when someone has wronged us we should speak up, what is does say is not to sin we don't have the right to cause harm to another due to our anger. Again this is a learned coping skill which goes by the wayside of many JW's. Instead they stuff their anger and become more depressed.
Sorry I really had to let that out.....I suffered suicidal depression most all of my years as a JW and it took me several years to unlearn and re-educate myself to get out of my depressed state and learn to be a real human being, not a human doing. Although to this day it hounds me at various times.