I swear my mother used to keep better track of my bladder than I did. She'd sit me down occasionally for talks such as "I noticed you've been going to the bathroom a lot during the meetings lately maybe we need to cut down on what you drink on meeting nights" etc. Others would go 2 or 3 times a meeting and if I went twice a week I'd get a talk about it! Anyone else have experiences like this?
Were you a bathroom breaker?
by Mysterious 50 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry about the above blank pages - my bad
Anyway, do any of you remember those demonstrations that they had at the Circuit Assemblies about parents monitoring their child’s bathroom use?
I remember one in which it showed a father monitoring the number of times his children went, as well as the minutes in between each visit. (I kid you not) And of course, the speaker narrated throughout the entire pap-piece (just like Lorne Green narrating those old nature shows)
These had to be some of the most childish charades I have ever seen at an assembly.
It is so amazing to me how so many people can get so immersed and obsessed in such trivialities and minutia! No wonder the assemblies have to be so friggin long. I guess it all goes back to the "nanny psychology" of the leadership in insisting in micro-managing the lives of the minions.
I remember once we were actually counselled from the platform about going to the bathroom during the songs, that it was important not to miss them and to meditate on what we were singing - as someone who always had to use the loo at least twice in a meeting i ended up crossing my legs for 2hrs and not hearing anything at all all i could think about was how much i needed the loo!I got wise in the end and applied the counsel - instead of going during the songs i went in the meeting in the really boring bits.I should mention though that this counsel wasn't just directed at kids it was all of us!
The rule of NO Going to the Bathroom was one that my parents enforced strictly.....at the cost of my mental health.
I was NEVER allowed to go to the toilet during a meeting. As I got older, this enforcement caused me to get anxious at meetings. I'd immeadiately need to go to the toilet. Then I began with Irritable Bowel syndrome which made me urgently need to go to the bathroom and I'd be running out constantly from the age of about 14 which then caused big problems with my parents when I got home. The nagging, guilt and shame of 'needing' to go to the bathroom was drilled into me constantly.
I've had several really bad patches of anxiety in my life where my main concern was real FEAR that I might NEED to go to the toilet and a feeling of GUILT whenever I have to go to the bathroom.
My father started with a prostate problem a few years ago. Now he NEEDs to go to the bathroom nearly constantly.
Do I feel sorry for him? Do I care that his bladder feels full constantly and that he is in and out of meetings and up and down all night going to the toilet?
After a lot of counselling I KINOW that if I want to go to the bathroom...doesn't matter where I am or what I'm doing....I can find one and go. I don't need to ask permission from anyone....that's how ashamed I had been made to feel as a child, for a very basic need.
It's taken nearly forty years to escape the Watchtower indoctrination fanatically imposed by my stupid in the extreme parents.
I still remember my cousins wife, a fanatical FT Pioneer, insisting that I did not let my children drink on meeting nights and before FS, so that they didn't need to go to the toilet. It was something she learned at Pioneer School!
I still remember my cousins wife, a fanatical FT Pioneer, insisting that I did not let my children drink on meeting nights and before FS, so that they didn't need to go to the toilet. It was something she learned at Pioneer School!
What a great idea! Don't have any water to drink before walking around in the sun for hours on end.
Don't worry, Jehovah won't let you or your children get dehydrated and suffer heat stroke.
I'm stunn
I'm stunn
Sorry, somehow sent by mistake. I meant to say:
I'm stunned by what I'm hearing.
On one of the other boards I saw an excellent spoof Watchtower cover with the image of a big white toilet roll, and the cover line was something like How should I wipe my ass?
I thought, okay funny, but now I'm hearing that people have been told from the platform when and how often to pee? I am astounded.