Is the D/F law the most identifying mark that the WTS is a cult?

by jambon1 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    This doctrine/law is really troubling me. I hated it when I was in and after examining it in my mind and speaking with current JW`s I am sure that it is an identifying mark of a cult.

    I never really liked to call it a cult, even after I left, but the behaviour of JW`s in this area just bewilders me. It makes me seriously concerned about the mentality of those who carry out shunning.

    This is especially so when it comes to shunning your own family, children, parents etc.

    In many ways, your average parent may feel disappointed when their youngster or family member falls into some sort of trouble. Like drunkeness or fornication etc. But these things are pitfalls that are common to all of humanity. People can recover from them and show true sorrow if others have been hurt.

    But does ANYTHING really justify cutting ties with your own flesh and blood, forever? Unless they come back to the truth.

    Think about it; a young person is baptised. At 17 he/she commits the act of fornication. At the same time, he/she just does`nt really believe the truth. Thats what probobly lead to the act being comitted. So he/she says no to a judicial comittee and makes it known that they no longer believe the truth and just wish to live a good life outside the org.

    Based on this and similar experiences (if he/she is D/F`d), the JW family will never have companionship with their child ever again. Ever.

    Even if they go on to have a good life. Have a good job, nice family. The JW relatives (mums,dads, brothers, sisters) will have to shun that individual and in some cases, their granchildren, neices & nephews - forever. That is the way it should be done according to 2002 KM.

    Even thinking about this just turns my stomach. Surely, this is the height of cult behaviour and the height of mind control tactics. I say this because they back up this cruel, unnatural behaviour with what they think is 'the holy writings'. The effects on the victim and the JW family must be considerable.

    Sick, sick, sick.

    Shame on anyone who bahaves in this perverted & disgusting way towards their own flesh and blood!

  • blondie

    I think it is a composite of many things. Read this thread by ITIS which compares Steve Hassan's BITE Model to WTS teachings/policies.


  • AuldSoul

    I was about to encourage you to read the same thread blondie pointed you toward. In my opinion, they meet every criteria of a cult to a greater or lesser degree. I would say the one you hit on is a major criteria, because it fulfills several of the criterion including the fear element (along with fear of death at Armageddon). Another major criterion, in my opinion, is the organization standing in for deity.


  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    I can only comment on this as a not/never have been a JW. I am divorced, have 2 adult children, have brothers and sisters.

    As far as my son and daughter are concerned, nothing but nothing would interfere with my unconditional love for them. Although I now live 2000 miles from them and the rest of my family, one phone call would have me on the next plane and doing what I could. If I turned up at the doorstep of any of my family, or of a close friend, I know I would be welcomed, could stay as long as I liked, etc. They know the same.

    That is also true of my ex. (Well, not entirely,'cos her current boyfriend wouldn't be too pleased). But if she or I needed help, we would be there for each other. This has been tested in the past and is true.

    'Shunning' or whatever name you want to call it is not natural, is not loving, and my personal view is that if us 'worldly' people can achieve more or less unconditional love the fact that 'loving Christian' peple can't is an indictment on them.

  • lovelylil


    I agree with everything you said 100%, especially that because the JWs do not show unconditional love it is an indictment against themselves. You are truly wise my friend, Lilly

  • sspo

    I feel the same.

    My own family has been devastated by this madness of shunning.

    Just this morning as i got out of bed, i was thinking how inhuman the policy is. When will it end?

    Sadly you have to choke it down because if you dare to speak to loudly about it, you will be DF.

    I wish the whole organization would end up just like Armstrong church of god and come to nothing, confess the stupidity of their doctrines and free its members.

  • sspo

    25 years ago as an elder i had to df a 16 years old, young sister for immorality, she did not show up for the JC out of fear and embarassement.

    When i look back how cruel it was to do so and it does make me sick to the stomach for being part of that.

  • freetosee

    The d’fing itself is ok, but the shunning that goes along with it is one of the things what makes jw a cult. The WTS was a cult from its beginning, even before the shunning policy started. fts

  • Arthur

    I think that the biggest cult characteristic is their use of Mind Control. One aspect of mind control is the use of emotional control.

    Read the following quotes from Steven Hassan, a former member of the Unification Church, and see if you notice any similarities:

    "Guilt and fear are necessary tools to keep poeple under control. Guilt is probably the single most important emotional lever for producing conformity and compliance."

    "However, most cult members can't see that guilt and fear are being used to control them. They are conditioned to always blame themselves, so that they respond gratefully whenever a leader points out one of their 'shortcomings' ."

    - Combatting Cult Mind Control, pg. 63

  • Cordelia

    i agree the dfing is probaly understandable but didnt all the examples in the bible prodigal son, david, manassah, all were immediately forgivven, even the man in corinth was back within a few months, just look at the timing of pauls letters,

    the shunning rule has ruined my life, for almost two years ive been torn between getting reinstated simply so my family can talk to me and also wanting nothing to do with it. i feel better now ive made the choice to completely stop going, but my family are saying that they have to pretend i have died and dont exist anymore coz im breaking their hearts!!!

    the're old the're ill i wonder whether to go back tho it would ruin everything.

    it is wrong, it is evil


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