Talking to support and contacts at WT HQ

by Juan Viejo2 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JunkYardDog
    Juan you have a lot to learn about calling wt or writing letters etc. they are programmed to not answer anything they are like politicians side step the subject at all costs. .. you may not like people like inform ant style. that's because you haven't made enough calls to the wt. to see their true colors. i have a good friend that has called many times , and backs them into a corner most every time in minutes. once you learn how uncaring and what extents the wt will go to lie to you . you will come to understand it . try asking what the persons name you are talking to and that is enough to see, how dis honest they are.. trust me these people at bethel no no feelings, how to be honest they only care to misdirect you. if you heard some calls i have heard live you would come to understand...
  • steve2

    JV2, it would be great if you were more upfront in your critcism of Miss Ant. Of course you're entitled to your views of her style and approach - but given the title of the thread you started, we were all ears waiting for your account. Instead, you used it as an opportunoty to respond in baffling detail about what you did not like about her approach. Hmmmm. What brought that on?

    Anyway, it's understandable that you're feeling a bit bruised but to be fair, what's good for the goose...

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    JYD and Steve2 - I agree that my style is not like Inform Ant's, but I have learned over the years that to start off by terrorizing some poor volunteer who is just doing the job they have been assigned does not elevate you or your cause. It becomes a case where the winner seems to be the one who can shout the loudest, overwhelm the conversation, and belittle the efforts of the other person.

    I understand that my style is not Inform Ant's style, nor is it Outlaw's. I'm not saying they are wrong - we just have different styles and different approaches to dealing with people we disagree with. Inform Ant has put out videos that have trashed me and many others involved with anti-Watchtower activism - and she has never met or talked to any of us to know who we are or what we are really like. Her style is just to rant and rave and make accusations whether they have any basis in fact or not. And that's OK - it's a free country, I believe in free speech, and this forum (thank you Simon) allows for that expression.

    We all love Outlaw's style and cutting humor, but that does not mean I have to agree with everything he puts out. That does not diminish my respect for him or his comments, but some I simply ignore and move on. In the overall scheme of things, I'm sure that Outlaw and Inform Ant may have more fans and higher status than I, but that's OK with me. I do my thing, and they do theirs. I can live with that arrangement very easily.


  • kairos
    I look forward to hearing your approach.
  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    That does not diminish my respect for him or his comments, but some I simply ignore and move on.

    Juan Viejo2

    But...not today. Lol.

  • NoGoodDeed

    Juan V - I agree with you that those Bethelites are just doing the job they have been assigned. It must be very hard to answer phones all day and never know if you are going to get a "I would like someone to come study the bible with me" or a call that starts out "You and your governing body are all criminals and child molesters and your are all going to burn in hell forever." I'm sure that for some cleaning toilets and mirrors would be preferable.

    Do you know when your computer will be free to upload the audio files or when they will be available to us from some other source like youtube or your website? I think that you have made a mistake by announcing the fact that you have these audio tracks, but then have held off releasing them to us to hear for ourselves.

    I can tell that you have a very different style compared to others on this forum. Your posts tend to speak more to your own experiences and softer approach to the Watchtower than some who post here that simply want to set the Watchtower on fire and torture the governing body.

    I do not know who this 'Inform Ant' person is. Can someone enlighten me how this person fits into the storyline? Is this person someone who is on the Watchtower side or is he/she an opposer. I guess I've missed something along the way. How does this person have anything to do with Juan's phone calls to the Watchtower help desk? I looked for Inform Ant on the list of posters here and can not find anyone by that name. I have not seen any posts on this thread by Inform Ant, so how does that person fit into this thread.

    To Juan Viejo - please do not let what Outlaw and the others wrote change your mind about posting your audio files. I am anxious to hear them. I would hope that you release them soon, but I realize that your delay may be unavoidable.

    Outlaw - I guess my question to you is why would you take such a strong position against Juan and for Inform. Can you provide something that person has published (a thread here or on Facebook) that would give us an idea why you are throwing your support against Juan? I'm sorry, but I have to agree that I agree with his point of view. Harassing the poor volunteers on the Watchtower Help Lines seems counter productive.

    I know I am new here, but I sometimes get confused when so many posters seem to jump into the mix on the side against reasonable approaches to a problem. Juan always seems to take a more rational approach to most questions. Am I missing something about him that I don't know? Please enlighten me. I am not taking sides about this but I feel that I have missed something about Juan that I do not know.
  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    NoGoodDeed - I don't think I have been singled out for abuse any more than anyone else that occasionally visits this forum. It would probably be best for me to hold my water and share my point of view on this subject with you by private message (PM) or you can contact me through one of my websites,,, or

    One last thing before I close down for the night. I will release the audios within the next few hours, but I have not decided yet whether to post them on one of my websites and then link to them - or to post them here as MP4 or YouTube downloads. At this very moment my desktop is rendering a series of videos for and for Barbara Anderson's website.

    I agree with you that I should have just waited and not even mentioned the fact that I had these audios available, but I felt (wrongly, it seems) that I could get the conversation moving in a direction that would either validate or negate my experiences dealing with Watchtower's support desks. For some reason a phone call to the Watchtower by InformAnt and my reaction to it became the central point of the discussion rather than the Watchtower and its management of phone inquiries.

    My bad...


  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle
    Looking forward to your audio convos.
  • DwainBowman

    I called them once. 2 hours before trying to kill myself. The coldness, and total lack of any emotion, kindness, or even a small amount of genuine concern, just sealed the deal! I was totally worthless, and unwanted, and just needed to die! So as to never again burden anyone!


  • cofty

    I look forward to your audios. Please link them here.

    We all love Outlaw's style and cutting humor

    No we don't.

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