The Bible has a simple and clear explanation for why mankind is in such dire straits: man wants to rule himself and ignore the simple fact that creation needs to obey the Creator. Why should he do so? Because the Creator knows man inside and out in perfect completeness. God did indeed bear the wrath of sin Himself in Jesus Christ. He has offered grace and mercy instead of judgement. God did not create puppets or automatons. He created persons that He could have a relationship with. He did so knowing that man could and would choose to rebel. He offers a clear choice for us in this world or the next: life eternal with Him or life eternal without Him. Suffering happens because man has chosen that path. God made that path right and straight. If you could look past your bitterness you might just be able to see the Lord reaching out to you.
Nothing and no one can touch me, nor the love for God and from God. That is why Christians perservere to the final breath
God bore the wrath of sin for us???? If you believe the story of the bible about the suffering of Jesus on the stake or cross whatever you want to call it and you believe that those 48 hours of suffering that Jesus went through "bore the wrath of sin". How does the suffering of little innocent children for years and years, that makes the 48 hours of Jesus' suffering look like a piece of cake, prove anything? God really wants children to suffer to prove a point to his arch enemy?? NONSENSE
If man wanting to rule himself is the root of all evil, weren't we created in God's image? If wanting to live forever is put in our minds because we are created in God's image, if our sense of justice and our sense of humor..etc is because we are created in God's image then maybe wanting a little independance (like what we want for breakfast) is just a chip off the ole block. If we were created in God's image then why does He blame every f@@king bad vice that we, weak fraile humans have, on Satan?
If God didn't create puppets or automatons, why after the first mistake, the very first dietary mistake, he doomed billions of people to a lifetime of suffering? Sounds like a control freak to me.
Christians persevering to the final breath proves nothing. So do suicide bombers.