Awhile ago I wanted to learn how to play poker..I learned how to play Texas Hold-em..I am now a professonal poker player..So far I have won 1.6 million dollars..Live in a beautiful Mansion..And wear a really cool hat..At least on PS2..LOL!!..I love the odd`s and probabilities of the game....Ladies and Gentlemen of JWD,do any of you Play Poker?...OUTLAW
Texas Hold-em
by OUTLAW 16 Replies latest jw friends
oh hell yeah
My partner bought a poker table and taught my 9 year old daughter how to play. (im sure her dad would be delighted if he knew!)
You'll have to learn to bluff better than that, outlaw!
I know the game but am not very good at it. -
I love playing poker with my ex-witness friends, especially Texas hold em. I'm still no good at it, but I don't care.
I used to know the basics of poker but haven't played in a long, long time. I was never very good at it. I do not have a poker face. lol
Since I royally suck at poker (any variant) and can't afford to lose any amount of money, I've lately only been playing it with some jws who'll let me hang with them. At least there's one positive to keeping up appearances with them. I can play without losing my shirt.
Oh hell yes - addicted - watch it all the time on TV - my favorite player is Howard "The Professor" Lederer. Gus Hansen is also great to watch on the table - takes a few more risks. He would bet with 6, 7 suited. He does not need big slick or pocket rockets to bet
"The Professor"has a professional&tutorial game named after him,on PS2.Thats how I learned to play..Patience,odds and probabilitys need to be considered if you want to win..I like to win..LOL!...OUTLAW
Patience, --- required to win
Unless you have the short stack of course!!