This week there was a obituary of an Elder I knew when I was a Witty. He had several children and a wife. The obit didn't say anything accept: "So and So died after a lengthy illness, He was member of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Please send contributions c/o of So and So for the Kingdom Hall builing Fund. A memorial will be at Such and Such at Such and Such time." I can't believe they wouldn't write about his children and wife, he also had several Grandchildren. I think fishing for Kingdom Hall Funds in this way is disgusting to say the least, whether it was his request or not. At least if you are going to do that mention your family as well. Can't Witnesses do anything balanced?
Is it me, or is this as tacky as it comes?
by Icansaylucky 17 Replies latest jw experiences
never heard about that fund parts, but they are not ballanced in this at all.
brother: oh, somebody died.
elder: great. what a oportunity to give witness to all his family when they are easy to breakdown...
thats awful, nevermind tacky - i agree with you, very disrespectful
And this surprises us, how?? Any opportunity for the good ole' mothershipness. They remind me of toddlers when they are in that "me,me,me" phase!
It'll all about them! (and the $)
Not very caring or christian like. I agree, but unless the family is pretty popular or well to do...they don't say too much. How pathetic.
I can do one better: I once saw an obituary in the paper that was standard until the end where it said: "In lieu of flowers, please send money to [people's name and address]." This was not a Witness, by the way, but just a very tacky demand for money. I understand wanting to offset the cost of the funeral somewhat, but in that case they could've saved a couple hundred dollars by NOT putting an obit in the paper. Of course, I wonder how much they got . . .
Makes me sick really. It's not just tacky--it shows how little regard they have for other people.
Tacky, tacky, tacky.
But not as tacky as the actual funeral/memorial talk. This is a subject that gets discussed a lot on this site, but it is jaw-dropping tacky. I have been to these where there were non JW family members who came a considerable distance out of respect for the deceased relative, only to set through a Watchtower Society Infomercial with the loved ones name mispronounced, no mention of family or personal comments about the persons life. "Our dear Brother John Smith passed away on the 12th of this month at age 65. John had the strong hope that he could look forward to...blah blah blah" and that was the last you heard about ol' John.
On the subject of tacky (or plain f'd up) funeral son's jw father passed away a couple years ago in a horrible accident. So there we are for the funeral-memorial service in the same hall I had married him in fourteen years ago. (wisely married at 19 folks)
Anyway, Bro. Dickhead is going on and on about this witnees train on their way to the New System and how the resurrected are like houses in the night with their lights turned on. ARE YOU KIDDING???
I grew up a jw and was completely lossed. There were almost 500 ppl there, half not jw. If they didn't already think witnesses were crazy psychos they for sure do now.
Then to top it off, he never mentioned my son once...not even during the prayer. Just rambled on and on and asked Oz to help wife #2 through this rough time. I almost stood up and yelled. "hey asshole. His kid would like some help too"
Sorry. Still gets me all a fired up.
Which is leading me to another thread I will start later. How to talk to my son about the jws. *coming soon* -
While I agree it is tacky, you must also remember that the family is responsible for what goes in the obit, not the elders. Most times this is handled through a funeral home, and they charge up to $500 to place the notice in one paper; if you want an obit in a second paper, it costs more. I personally find it offensive to ask for donations for a building fund for a religion I don't support.