by Mary 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1


    In Pennsylania and California, the harmed individuals may have the right to sue the religion for shunning It's a type of coercion that keeps followers inside a religion that they do not want to be in. The fear of losing one's family & one's business relationships are a concern of the government. The freedom to enter and TO LEAVE a religion should be protected. We do not live in an Islamic country - where you are severly punished for leaving a religion. Yet, with shunning by family & business associates, this is what we have. There is a Mennonite case in Pennsylvania Supreme Court and another case in California Supreme Court that speaks of shunning & coercion. In those cases, the shunned follower won money. If you PM me, I'll give you the case names, if you care to read them.


  • Mary
    How to Treat Expelled Ones: Jesus' words recorded at Matthew 18:17 also bear on the matter: "Let [the expelled one] be to you just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector." Jesus' hearers well knew that the Jews of that day had no fraternization with Gentiles and that they shunned tax collectors as outcasts. Jesus was thus instructing his followers not to associate with expelled ones.

    This is SUCH horseshit, it's not even funny....Jesus ATE with the harlots and the tax collectors. This is one of the things He did that pissed the Pharisees off. Mark 2: 15-16 says: "...And as he reclined at table in his house, many tax collectors and sinners were reclining with Jesus and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. 16 And the scribes of [ the Pharisees, when they saw that he was eating with sinners and tax collectors, said to his disciples, "Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?"

    Jesus Himself did not shun people "of the nations". Is the WTS suggesting that Witnesses should follow the example of the Pharisees instead of Jesus? Apparently so, since they demand that the R&F shun anyone who questions the religion.

  • mouthy

    skeeter. I have to disagree with you I know that is why the WT changed its baptism Questions.> to God Jesus & the Spirit filled org. They could win when it was Father, Jesus & Holy Spirit. But when they changed it. others that sued were told

    by the judge that when you join a group you know the rules & they have the right to exclude you if you dont follow them ...They lost the case.

    Just my two cents

  • gumby

    This is SUCH horseshit, it's not even funny....Jesus ATE with the harlots and the tax collectors. This is one of the things He did that pissed the Pharisees off. Mark 2: 15-16 says: "...And as he reclined at table in his house, many tax collectors and sinners were reclining with Jesus and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. 16 And the scribes of [ the Pharisees, when they saw that he was eating with sinners and tax collectors, said to his disciples, "Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?"

    Jesus Himself did not shun people "of the nations". Is the WTS suggesting that Witnesses should follow the example of the Pharisees instead of Jesus? Apparently so, since they demand that the R&F shun anyone who questions the religion.

    Good points Mary......however the witnesses excuse for Jesus reclining with these ones would be that these ones were following Jesus and putting their faith in him....hence he reclined with them because their hearts were pure....unlike the other tax collectors and harlots that didn't follow him. Their reasoning is Jesus didn't make it a practice to hang with unrepentant sinners.....only sinners who were following him and changed their way of life.

    If Jesus would not had compassion for these ones, they no doubt would not have had any intrest in following him as they would have felt too guilty to approach him. It's sad the Organisation doesn't follow this same pattern as Jesus in reaching out to lost ones...instead, they call on homes of people who show an intrest in their message that their organisation has taught them......not the message Jesus taught. If someone is a christian that they call on and these ones refuse their offer of literature, they are a goatlike one and are not marked down on their list of who to call back on.


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